Business description: Interra Copper Corp.

Interra Copper Corp. is a Canada-based junior mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on the exploration and development of its two early-stage copper exploration assets. Its focus is on the Rip project located in central British Columbia, Canada and the Thane Property located in north-central British Columbia, Canada. Its 100%-owned Thane Project, located in the Quesnel Terrane of Northern BC, spans over 20,658 ha with 10 high-priority targets identified demonstrating significant copper and precious metal mineralization. The Company has a joint-venture agreement and earn-in option of up to 80% on the Rip Project located in Stikine Terrane in a prolific belt of Late Cretaceous (Bulkley plutonic suite), known for copper-molybdenum deposits. The Company also holds an interest in the Stars Property, which is located in the Omineca Mining District, located approximately 65 km southwest of Houston, British Columbia.

Sales by Activity: Interra Copper Corp.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023
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Geographical breakdown of sales: Interra Copper Corp.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023
See all geographic segments

Managers: Interra Copper Corp.

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 57 2018-08-29
Director of Finance/CFO 41 2024-07-31
Chief Executive Officer - 2021-08-11
Investor Relations Contact - -
Corporate Secretary 57 2020-06-17

Members of the board: Interra Copper Corp.

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member - 2021-05-09
Director/Board Member - 2023-06-26
Director/Board Member 54 2023-06-26
Director/Board Member - -
Director/Board Member 57 2018-08-29
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Interra Copper Corp.

10,000,000 23.44 % 560 000 $
Rae Ventures, Inc.
20.32 %
8,668,993 20.32 % 485 464 $
719,995 1.688 % 40 320 $
703,334 1.649 % 39 387 $
583,932 1.369 % 32 700 $
List of INTERRA COPPER CORP. shareholders

Company details: Interra Copper Corp.

Interra Copper Corp.

1111 Melville Street Suite 1100

V6E 3V6, Vancouver

+778 949 1829
address Interra Copper Corp.(IMCX)

Copper Ore Mining

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
0.00%+12.50%-57.14%-83.33% 3.36M
-3.51%-8.64%-8.64% - 30.63B
+1.29%+4.72%+10.02%+40.04% 22.09B
+1.38%+1.76%+3.59%-13.12% 14.14B
+2.79%+9.51%+65.17%-44.74% 11.51B
-.--%-3.13% - - 6.98B
+2.68%+5.21%+22.27%-9.17% 6.51B
+3.00%+5.53%+34.22%+35.92% 5.6B
+3.97%+11.44%+93.20%+27.51% 3.67B
-0.09%+8.73%+52.81%+42.53% 3.05B
Average +1.15%+5.18%+23.95%-0.55% 10.42B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.20%+2.51%+16.43%+8.34%
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