International Zeolite Corp. announced the positive results of its ongoing testing of its turkey feeding trial in a commercial operation. A barnlevel research trial of zeolitebased additive to turkey feed began in May 2018. Dr. Lloyd J. Weber, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine conducted a live trial using International Zeolite's poultry additive (ZLite Feed CFI Registration #991198) in a standard commercial ration poultry feed for turkeys. The study comprised a double blind test beginning with 20,000 dayold turkey poults through to delivery of birds for processing. Half of the sample received feed including the International Zeolite additive (the ‘Test Group’) and half received the standard ration with no International Zeolite additive (the ‘Control Group’). Observational and quantifiable results showed an increase in general health of the Test Group, receiving the Z Lite additive. Specifically, results from the Test Group showed a measurable decrease in litter moisture, an improved weight gain and a slight improvement in bird mortality in the Test Group over the Control Group, with all other input factors being statistically equal between the two groups. As this first stage of trial was conducted during the heat of summer ­ and a warmer than average period in Southern Ontario, International Zeolite has approved a second stage of trial in the winter months, which is now underway, to compare the results in these significantly different environmental conditions. Additionally, the second stage of this trial is being conducted on 33,350 broiler chickens. The feed is free of added antibiotics ­ versus the standard commercial ration ­ to ascertain the potential of a natural feed using only International Zeolite's poultry additive, which contains no added biological or chemical agents.