Royal Mail Group Ltd



The reporting of reliable, transparent and meaningful data is of the utmost importance to us. We have engaged Bureau Veritas UK Limited ('Bureau Veritas') to provide limited assurance over selected information within the 2023-24 Royal Mail Group Ltd Environment Social Governance (ESG) Report ('the Report'). Bureau Veritas' assurance statement is available at:

This document aligns to the metrics that Bureau Veritas provided assurance over. It sets out the principles and methodologies that we applied in reporting our performance of these indicators. We have prepared this document to align with the ISAE3000/(Revised) reporting standard.

We aim to ensure that the data we report is an accurate reflection of our performance and meets the needs of the report's users. We take care to report data in line with the definitions, scope and boundaries stated in this reporting criteria. Any specific, material exclusions are stated and explained within this document. We also make our reporting boundaries clear within the report itself. We use consistent methodologies year to year wherever possible to allow for performance comparison over time; any material changes in measurement methodologies versus the previous reporting year are made clear. We report transparently such that the report's users can have confidence in the integrity of the data and information we publish.


The report covers the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Unless otherwise stated, all assured metrics cover this period. Our ESG reporting boundary uses the financial control approach and covers all non-dormant operating subsidiaries, and joint ventures of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Associated Companies/Investments are not within our reporting boundary.

Our ESG metrics operate to a materiality threshold of 5%. On this basis some subsidiaries within our boundary are not reported on grounds of immateriality and we state clearly any data not reported on basis of immateriality for each metric below. Our operating subsidiaries are:

  • Royal Mail Pensions Trustees Ltd
  • RMCPP Trustees Ltd
  • RMSEPP Pensions Trustees Ltd
  • RM2022 Limited
  • Storefeeder Limited
  • Intersoft Systems and Programming Ltd
  • Royal Mail Courier Services Ltd
  • Revisecatch Limited
  • Royal Mail Estates Limited
  • Angard Staffing Solutions Limited


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

  • Nine Elms Parkside Estate Management Company Limited
  • RM Property and Facilities Solutions Limited
  • Romec Enterprises Limited
  • EBP Consultancy Co. Ltd

Associated Investments and Companies excluded from our reporting boundary are:

  • Charac Ltd (33% investment)
  • JICMAIL Ltd (20% investment)


Where business entities are acquired during the reporting year, data is excluded, and explanatory footnotes are included within the main report. We aim to include new acquisitions within the scope of our reporting within one year, or as soon as appropriate processes and systems are implemented to enable consistent data collation and group level consolidation.

Where data is extracted as a 'snapshot' for reporting on the last day of the reporting period, for example, Gender distribution, this would only include information relating to business entities that are still within International Distributions Services plc ownership or control at that point. Data that is reported as an accumulation of the year's performance, for example, carbon emissions, would include the outputs of any business entities up until the date of disposal.


New facilities or premises are included within our reporting from the date of acquisition. Any premises disposed of during the reporting year are removed from our portfolio from the date of disposal.


Every effort is made to capture all relevant data for our reporting. Where estimates and assumptions apply, these have been noted in the specific criteria for each indicator where appropriate.


We restate prior year and base year data in the subsequent reporting year where a single or combined variance of 5% is observed. Reported data for years in between prior year and base year may be restated at the discretion of management. The reasons for restatement are:

  • Actual data has been received which replaces previously modelled and estimated data,
  • Actual data previously supplied has been re-submitted with changes from latency or collection error, or
  • Errors in methodology or in calculation are subsequently discovered.


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24


Due to the nature of environmental data and the availability of utility invoices, all environmental metrics are reported on a 12-month basis. This covers 1 April 2023- 31 March 2024. We define 'GHG emissions' in this report as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which includes carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), exclusions to this are explicitly stated throughout.









Scope 1 and 2

Scope 1 (direct) GHG

As defined above in 'Reporting boundary

Tonnes of

Our GHG emissions are calculated

Royal Mail UK

GHG emissions

emissions are from

and materiality thresholds'

carbon dioxide

by applying publicly available

environmental reporting

sources that are

One leased office for Royal Mail Pension


emission factors (UK Government

system (Greenstone+):

owned or controlled


GHG conversion factors for

by Royal Mail UK.

Trustees Limited and one leased office

company reporting 2023) to

Energy Bureau (Mitie)

Scope 2 (indirect)

for Intersoft Systems and Programming

amounts of electricity use,

Ltd have not been reported due to

refrigerant use and fuel

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

GHG emissions from


consumption data (a 'location-

Management System &

the consumption of

based' approach).

Alternative Fuel

purchased energy


calculated using both

(a) Direct energy by primary energy

the location-based

source (kWh, tonnes & litres); and,

Direct from provider

and market-based

(Solar PV)


(b) Indirect energy consumption by

primary source (kWh, Litres &

Direct from 3rd Party


Freight provider (Rail)

Scope 2 GHG emissions are also

calculated using supplier emission

factors based on the renewable

and non-renewable components of

the supply (a 'market-based'



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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

The methodology aligns to the

Greenhouse Gas Protocol,

Corporate Accounting and

Reporting Standard, March 2004.

Where there is missing electricity consumption data from our sources, estimates are modelled using three possible methods, in order of preference:

Option 1: Previous year's data This option requires actual consumption data to be available from the prior year's period, which is used as a modelled value for the current period.

Option 2: 12 month rolling average This option requires actual consumption available for at least 7 periods in the prior 12 months. In this case the modelled value is the average of the prior 12 months, and where the variance calculated does not exceed 50%.

Option 3: Normalised intensity factor

If option 1 and 2 are not possible, then option 3 is used. This option requires actual consumption data for one period in the prior 12 months and recorded (m2) floor area data. In this case the modelled value is a 6-month running average


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

intensity factor which is calculated

and stored against that month.

Then the average of those intensity

factors is calculated over the last 12

months and multiplied by floor


Royal Mail UK

Scope 3 emissions are

This metric includes GHG emissions from

Tonnes of

The methodology aligns to the

Royal Mail

Scope 3 GHG

the reported indirect

all relevant 'value-chain' emission

carbon dioxide

Greenhouse Gas Protocol,

environmental reporting


greenhouse gas

categories within our reporting


Corporate Accounting and

system (Greenstone+):

(GHG) emissions

boundary. These are:


Reporting Standard, March 2004.

associated with Royal

1. Purchased Goods and Services: all

Purchased Goods and Services and

Energy Bureau (Mitie)

Mail operations that

operational goods and services

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

are not covered in

procured which are not accounted

Capital Goods emissions are

Scope 1 or 2, for

calculated using business spend

Management System

for in Scope 1,2 or other Scope 3

example transport

data and the USEEIO Supply Chain

categories (e.g. business travel

related activities in

emission factors without margins;

Direct from provider

expenditure is not included in

vehicles not owned

'Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas

(Solar PV)

by Royal Mail.

purchased goods because it is

Emission Factors for US Industries

Direct from 3rd Party

calculated in Scope 3 - category 6).

and Commodities v1.1' (2016). The


Capital Goods: all goods and

HMRC annual average conversion

Freight providers (Air,

services procured through capital

factor as of December of the

Road and Rail)

relevant reporting year is used to

expenditure which are not

Travel Provider's System

convert business spend data from

accounted for in Scope 1,2 or other

GBP to USD to aligning with


Scope 3 categories.


3. Fuel and Energy related activities:

Fuel and Energy related emissions

RM HR Systems

the electricity transmission and

distribution (T&D) losses and 'well-

are calculated by applying publicly

RM Procurement systems

to-tank' (WTT) emissions of fuel and

available WTT and T&D loss

(SAP Business

emission factors (UK Government


electricity that are not included in

GHG conversion factors for

Scope 1 and Scope 2.

company reporting 2023), to

Waste broker data


Upstream transportation and

amounts of electricity use, fuel

distribution: GHG emissions from

consumption and distance data

Waste contractor data

provided in Scope 1 and 2.


Classified: RMG - Public

Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

third-party road and air (both

Upstream transportation and

RM Product Weight and

domestic and international), and

distribution emissions are


private vehicle deliveries including

calculated by applying publicly

available freight emission factors

Direct emission reports

couriers and owner drivers.

(UK Government GHG conversion

or revenue reports from


Waste Disposal: GHG emissions

factors for company reporting

Associated Companies

from waste disposal route.

2023), to weights and/or distance


Business Travel: GHG emissions

of goods through our network or by

associated with business travel of

transport mode and vehicle type.

employees by road, air and ferry

Waste disposal emissions are

(excluding travel or season passes)

calculated by applying publicly

and hotel stays.

available waste emission factors


Employee Commute: GHG emissions

(UK Government GHG conversion

associated with employee commute

factors for company reporting

and working from home.

2023), to weights estimated from


Downstream transportation and

volume information (detail

distribution: GHG emissions

provided in 'total waste generated'

associated with international


delivery partners (e.g. international

Business travel emissions are

parcels delivered from airport to

calculated by applying publicly

door by another national postal

available freight emission factors


(UK Government GHG conversion


End-of-life treatment of sold

factors for company reporting

products: GHG emissions associated

2023), to travel booking data from

rail, road, ferry, air and for hotel

with the disposal of sold/gifted


products including stamps, labels

and packaging.

Employee commute emissions are


Investments: GHG emissions

modelled using annual FTE

relating to activities from associate

employees and commuting

investments and any other relevant

averages from the UK National

investments as they may arise.

Travel Survey (NTS) to determine

commute kilometres per transport

mode. UK Government GHG


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

Royal Mail report all relevant categories in the Scope 3 emissions inventory. The following five categories are not disclosed as they do not apply to current Royal Mail activities; upstream and downstream leased assets, processing and use of sold products and franchises. These categories will be reviewed annually and will be included in future reports if emissions are identified.

conversion factors (2023) are applied to calculate total emissions. Work from home emissions are also calculated using estimates from employee surveys and embedded into the commute calculation above.

Downstream transportation and distribution emissions are calculated by applying the Royal Mail data on parcel volumes delivered internationally and an average emission factor per parcel of 539gCO2e, the average of International Post Corporation (IPC) parcel sustainability measures (SMMS) for 2023.

End-of-life treatment of sold product emissions are calculated using the weight, material and product sales volumes, alongside UK Government waste destination statistics (2021) and UK Government GHG conversion factors (2023) for waste disposal.

Investment emissions are calculated using actual Scope 1-2emission data from the reported company, divided by the % shareholding of that company. Where this data is unavailable it is estimated based on revenue.


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

Outside of

Outside of Scopes

This metric includes GHG emissions from

Tonnes of

Our Outside of Scopes emissions

Royal Mail


emissions are

all relevant gas or liquid based biofuels.

carbon dioxide

are calculated by applying publicly

environmental reporting


reported in-line with

Biofuels used include:


available outside of scopes biogenic

system (Greenstone+)

the GHG Protocol

- Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)


emission factors (UK Government

Corporate Standard

- Bio-CNG

GHG conversion factors for

to account for the

- Average biofuel blend diesel or

company reporting 2023) to

biogenic emissions

amounts of biofuels used.

petrol such as B7 & B10 from

associated with the

The methodology aligns to the


combustion of biogas

Greenhouse Gas Protocol,

and biofuel. We

Outside of Scopes emissions are

Corporate Accounting and

expect further GHG

Reporting Standard, March 2004.

reported outside of the gross emission

Protocol reporting

total as the Scope 1 impact of these

guidance to be issued

fuels has been determined to be a net

on this topic in 2024.

'0' since the fuel source itself absorbs an

equivalent amount of CO2 during the

growth phase as the amount of CO2

released through combustion.


Emissions intensity

This metric only includes emissions

Grams of

The activity data supplied for

Royal Mail UK

emissions per

per parcel is based on

associated with Royal Mail Group Ltd

carbon dioxide

'Scope 1, 2 and 3' GHG emission

environmental reporting

parcel (Royal

Scope 1 (direct)

mail delivery operations and excludes


calculations is also used to derive

system (Greenstone+):


emissions for mail

other brands such as Parcelforce and E-

(CO2e) per

the greenhouse gas (GHG)

transport, Scope 2

courier data.

Royal Mail UK

emissions intensity per parcel.

Energy Bureau (Mitie)

(indirect) for mail


The Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

transport and all

properties and Scope

associated with Royal Mail Group

Management System &

3 (indirect)

Ltd mail delivery operations is

Alternative Fuel

greenhouse gas

totalled and then apportioned


(GHG) emissions

based on Royal Mail parcel

Direct from provider

related to domestic

revenue. The apportioned amount


is then divided by the total Royal

(Solar PV)

transportation only.

Mail annual parcel volume to

Direct from 3rd Party

We use Royal Mail

calculate the average greenhouse

parcel volumes and

gas (GHG) emissions intensity per

Freight provider (Air,

revenue data


Road and Rail)


Classified: RMG - Public

Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

alongside the GHG

inventory to calculate

a per item intensity

for an average parcel.


Emissions intensity

This metric only includes emissions

Grams of

The activity data supplied for

Royal Mail UK

emissions per

per letter is based on

associated with Royal Mail Group Ltd

carbon dioxide

'Scope 1, 2 and 3' GHG emission

environmental reporting

letter (Royal

Scope 1 (direct)

mail delivery operations and excludes


calculations is also used to derive

system (Greenstone+):


emissions for mail

other brands such as Parcelforce and E-

(CO2e) per

the greenhouse gas (GHG)

transport, Scope 2

courier data.

Royal Mail UK

emissions intensity per parcel.

Energy Bureau (Mitie)

(indirect) for mail


The Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

transport and all

associated with Royal Mail Group

properties and Scope

Ltd mail delivery operations is

Management System &

3 (indirect)

totalled and then apportioned

Alternative Fuel

greenhouse gas

based on Royal Mail letter revenue.


(GHG) emissions

The apportioned amount is then

Direct from provider

related to domestic

divided by the total Royal Mail


annual letter volume to calculate

(Solar PV)

transportation only.

the average greenhouse gas (GHG)

Direct from 3rd Party

We use Royal Mail

emissions intensity per parcel.

letter volumes and

Freight provider (Air,

revenue data

Road and Rail)

alongside the GHG

inventory to calculate

a per item intensity

for an average letter.


Emissions intensity

This metric follows the reporting

Grams of

The activity data supplied for

Royal Mail UK

emissions per

per parcel based on

boundary as defined at the front of

carbon dioxide

'Scope 1, 2 and 3' GHG emission

environmental reporting

parcel (Royal

Scope 1 (direct)

these reporting guidelines.


calculations is also used to derive

system (Greenstone+):

Mail &

emissions for mail

(CO2e) per

the greenhouse gas (GHG)


transport, Scope 2

Royal Mail

emissions intensity per parcel.

Energy Bureau (Mitie)


(indirect) for mail

Group Ltd

transport and all



Classified: RMG - Public

Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24

properties and Scope

The Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

3 (indirect)

associated with Royal Mail Group

Management System &

greenhouse gas

Ltd mail delivery operations is

Alternative Fuel

(GHG) emissions for

totalled and then apportioned


domestic upstream

based on Royal Mail & Parcelforce

Direct from provider

transportation only.

Worldwide parcel revenue. The

We use Royal Mail &

apportioned amount is then

(Solar PV)


divided by the total Royal Mail &

Direct from 3rd Party

Worldwide parcel

Parcelforce Worldwide annual

volumes and revenue

parcel volume to calculate the

Freight provider (Air,

data alongside the

average greenhouse gas (GHG)

Road and Rail)

GHG inventory to

emissions intensity per parcel.

calculate a per item

intensity for an

average parcel.

Total energy

Total energy

This metric follows the reporting


The electricity data supplied for

Royal Mail UK

consumption by

consumption from all

boundary as defined at the front of

'Scope 1 and 2' and 'Scope 3' GHG

environmental reporting

primary source

energy sources in our

these reporting guidelines.

emission calculations is also used to

system (Greenstone+):

value chain, such as

derive the total energy

Energy Bureau (Mitie)

aviation fuel and

consumption across all energy

supply chain diesel

sources in our value chain.

Royal Mail Fleet Fuel

use, property estate

and electric van fleet

Management System &


Alternative Fuel



compliant to the GRI

Direct from provider

reporting of energy.

(Solar PV)

Direct from 3rd Party

Freight provider (Air,

Road and Rail)


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Royal Mail ESG Reporting Criteria 2023-24


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International Distributions Services plc published this content on 21 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 June 2024 09:58:08 UTC.