Inovalon announced a new partnership with the MEDITECH Alliance. Thousands of MEDITECH's provider organization customers can now leverage Inovalon's end-to-end revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions for seamless claim and patient billing that achieves greater reimbursement process efficiency and reduced denials. Rising costs and delayed reimbursements continue to present challenges for providers, with more than 90% of claims being preventable due to billing or administrative errors.

Through this partnership, MEDITECH's customers will have access to Inovalon's Claims Management Pro and Eligibility Workflow solutions that are designed to streamline and make revenue cycle processing more accurate, which is critical to prevent delayed reimbursements, patient dissatisfaction, and lost revenue for providers. Inovalon's revenue cycle management solutions are powered by the Inovalon ONE®? Platform, which leverages the industry's largest primary source de-identified healthcare dataset, advanced analytics, and subject matter expertise to drive healthcare transformation.

Inovalon's Claims management Pro solution is proven to help providers achieve a 99% or better first pass acceptance rate for patient claims and Eligibility Workflow fast- tracks all-payer eligibility verifications, with both solutions designed to maximize efficiency and expedite care and reimbursement.