Hexagon AB specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of equipment and information systems for geospatial and industrial applications. Net sales break down by product family as follows:
- metrology systems (51.5%): stationary and portable measuring equipment, coordinate measuring machines, laser plotters and scanners, etc. The group also offers computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering software. Net sales break down by market especially into electronics and manufacturing industry (33.8%), energy (24.1%), automotive industry (16%), aeronautics and defense (10%);
- geospatial solutions (48.5%): sensors, laser scanners, GPS systems, motorized air vehicles, mobile mapping systems, satellite geolocation systems, etc. The products are intended especially for the sectors of inspection (37.9% of net sales), construction and infrastructure (25.924.2 natural resources (18.3%), and public security (7.9%).
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Europe/Middle East/Africa (34.5%), Americas (38.6%) and Asia (26.9%).