TAUFKIRCHEN (dpa-AFX) - The defense electronics group Hensoldt received noticeably more orders in the first half of the year than a year earlier. Incoming orders increased by almost 13 percent to 1.07 billion euros, the MDax company announced in Taufkirchen on Friday. Sales, on the other hand, grew by only 6.4 percent to 726 million euros. Some analysts had expected more. However, Hensoldt was able to improve profitability more significantly, with earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization adjusted for special effects rising by a good third to 82 million euros. The corresponding margin improved by 2.4 percentage points to 11.3 percent.

Below the line, Hensoldt posted a loss of 16 million euros, the same level as in the prior-year period, due to a deterioration in the financial result. Management confirmed its forecast for the year, concretizing its sales outlook at around 1.85 billion euros. This is roughly the midpoint of the previously targeted growth range of 7 to 10 percent compared with the previous year's figure of 1.71 billion euros./men/jha/