GN Store Nord wins the Special award 2013 from CFA Society Denmark

GN Latest NewsJanuary 17, 2014

Last night, GN Store Nord won the Special award 2013 from CFA Society Denmark, the Danish society of chartered financial analysts.

CFA Society Denmark awards GN for "delivering an extraordinary level of information and follow-up on the SMART restructuring program in the period 2012 - 2013". 

The SMART restructuring program has been an operational success, reflected in the GN share price, and an informational success serving as an example for other companies carrying out restructuring programs, CFA Society Denmark emphasizes.

The award was presented by CFA Society Denmark's Chairman of the committee on accounting standards Niels Granholm-Leth to Head of IR and communications Michael Bjergby from GN Store Nord.

Michael Bjergby says:

"Delivering transparent and timely information to the financial community is of high priority for GN. The communication of the SMART-program has been characterized by an extraordinary high level of transparency to gain credibility in the program's potential. We have spent many hours on the assessment of the structure and depth of the communication so we are very pleased about winning this award".

Members of CFA Society Denmark's committee on accounting standards have awarded GN based on its communication in the annual report, interim reports, webcasts and presentations. The members of the committee work with assessment and analysis of information on the stock market on a daily basis.  

The award show took place at the Tivoli Congress Center in Copenhagen with Governor of Denmark's national bank Lars Rohde, Nykredit Group Chief Executive Michael Rasmussen and CEO of ATP Carsten Stendevad as key speakers.

For further information please contact:

Michael Bjergby

Senior Director - IR, Communications, CSR & Treasury

+45 45 75 02 92
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