2013-01-31 18:18:33

Resolution No. 125/2013

Resolution No. 125/2013
of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board
dated 31 January 2013

concerning the days of temporary suspension of trading on the WSE Commodity Market in 2013

§ 1

In view of necessary administrative and technical operations in the WSE CM IT system, acting pursuant to § 32.5 of the Rules of Trading in Exchange Commodities adopted in Resolution No. 20/1252/2010 of the Exchange Supervisory Board dated 21 July 2010 (as amended), the WSE Management Board resolves that trading in exchange commodities on the Daily-Hourly Electricity Market (WSE ELM) and the Electricity Futures Market (WSE EFM) shall be suspended between 18:00 and 24:00 on the following days in 2013:
1. Friday 1 February
2. Friday 1 March.

§ 2

This Resolution shall come into force on the day of adoption.

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