2015-01-27 18:22:54

ALTERCO (Resolution No. 99/2015)

Resolution No. 99/2015
of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
dated 27 January 2015

concerning a special designation of shares of
the company ALTERCO S.A. on the WSE Main List

§ 1

Pursuant to § 3.1(3) of the Division 7 of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in UTP, WSE Management Board resolves that information provided in the Ceduła Giełdy Warszawskiej and on the WSE website concerning listing of shares of the company ALTERCO S.A. shall be specially designated with an ordinal number reference meaning "the court has dismissed an application for declaration of bankruptcy because the issuer's assets are insufficient to cover the cost of the procedure".

§ 2

This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.

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