Getlink, the operator of the Channel Tunnel, on Thursday forecast record sales for 2022, in the wake of the acceleration of travel between France and Great Britain, and thanks to the commissioning of ElecLink, which enables electricity exchanges between the two countries.

Last year, the French group posted consolidated sales of 1.606 billion euros, up 107% year-on-year at constant exchange rates.

In the October-December period, sales jumped 152% year-on-year to 562.70 million euros.

"The success of our customer-centric strategy and the successful commissioning of our ElecLink power interconnector between France and Great Britain are enabling us to accelerate our growth," commented Group CEO Yann Leriche in a statement.

With sales of 1.049 billion euros last year, up 63% year-on-year, Eurotunnel reached "an unprecedented level on this perimeter", said Getlink.

The Passenger Shuttle business saw the number of passenger vehicles more than double to over 2.1 million last year. Overall, the Shuttle business grew by 53% year-on-year, with sales of 732 million euros.

Getlink's rail network sales rose last year by 90% year-on-year to 295 million euros.

Eurostar, one of Getlink's main customers, recorded a 407% jump in passenger numbers, with almost 8.3 million users, an increase attributed by Getlink to the recovery in tourism following the coronavirus health crisis.

Put into service last May, ElecLink has since generated sales of 420 million euros, including 277.90 million euros in the October-December period "in a particularly volatile market", Getlink noted.

Yann Leriche said last year that Getlink could benefit from the energy crisis in France, as well as unexpected maintenance operations and strikes elsewhere in the sector.

(Reported by Dina Kartit; French version by Jean Terzian, edited by Matthieu Protard)