Certain Shares of GENOVA, Inc. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 21-JUN-2023. These Shares will be under lockup for 180 days starting from 23-DEC-2022 to 21-JUN-2023.

In connection with this offering and the secondary offering by way of purchase and underwriting by the underwriters, the seller, stock lender and Company officer Tomoki Hirase, the seller and Company officer Koji Takeda, Shintaro Hioki, Tomoyoshi Mano, Yuki Odehashi, Motoaki Fukui, Ayako Kato (Ayako Miwa) and Yasuo Goto, Takaaki Suzuki, an officer of the Company, Shinji Naito, a seller, and GENOVA Employee Shareholding Association, Hirase Shoten Co., Ltd., Credit Saison Co., Ltd., and shares of the Company. Company LEOC, Soken Global Co., Ltd., teamLab Co., Ltd., Katsushi Ishida, Tomoki Matsushita, and Toshihito Goto will notify the lead managing company on the 180th day after the listing (trading start) date (including the day) from the date of conclusion of the principal underwriting agreement. During the period until June 20, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “lockup period”),