Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. announced consolidated earnings results for the third quarter ended December 31, 2016. For the quarter, the company reported net sales were ¥555,284 million against ¥536,071 million a year ago. Operating income was ¥10,716 million against ¥11,487 million a year ago. Ordinary income was ¥11,044 million against ¥12,505 million a year ago. Net income was ¥4,920 million against ¥8,212 million a year ago. Net income per share was ¥6.89 against ¥11.50 a year ago. Income before income taxes was ¥10,871 million against ¥13,444 million a year ago. Interest-bearing debt as of December 31, 2016, amounted to ¥211.3 billion.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, the consolidated company now expected net sales of ¥820,000 million, operating income of ¥45,000 million, ordinary income of ¥43,000 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥27,000 or ¥37.80 per share compared to net sales of ¥820,000 million, operating income of ¥45,000 million, ordinary income of ¥43,000 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥27,000 in its previous forecasts.