Caroline Nokes has asked an urgent question to the House of Commons on the support available to Flybe from the Government.

Flybe, an airline based in Exeter, is Europe's largest regional carrier and provides links between areas such as England and Northern Ireland. It is now at risk of financial collapse, which would result in the loss of around 2,000 jobs.

Caroline Nokes MP asked the Minister for Transport what the Government's plans were to help Flybe. Caroline Nokes MP: "make sure regional connectivity is maintained"

Caroline Nokes MP told the House of the importance of Flybe for her constituents in Southampton, many of whom are employed by the company or rely on it for transport.

The Member asked what could be achieved with air passenger duty and potential post-Brexit regulations on state aid.

The Member concluded: "We have an opportunity here to use every lever of government to make sure that regional connectivity is maintained to ensure that business can operate smoothly and that people can move around the country seamlessly." Paul Maynard MP: "a going concern"

Responding on behalf of the Government, Paul Maynard MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Transport) said that Flybe was a "going concern".

The Minister told MPs that the Government was aware of the importance of Flybe in "delivering connectivity" throughout the UK, but stressed that the Government could not comment on financial speculation around any firm.

The Minister told MPs: "We are working very hard, but there are limits commercially to what a government can do to rescue any particular firm."

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(C) 2020 M2 COMMUNICATIONS, source M2 PressWIRE