Tuesday 14 January 2014

Local bus operator, First Aberdeen, today revealed a first in the UK - a 'Doric' bus.  First has named one of its new vehicles 'The Doric Bus' in recognition of its Aberdeen routes. 

Doric, which is the North East of Scotland's local dialect and still widely spoken, will also feature prominently on board - First has added Doric phrases across all the interior advertising panels on 'The Doric Bus'.  In addition, every bus in First's fleet will feature at least one Doric phrase.

'The Doric Bus' will enter service today (14 January) and customers will be able to spot Doric phrases on other vehicles also from today.

Examples of the phrases featuring on board include:
• Drookit - Drenched, soaking
• Loons and quines - Boys and girls
• Fit like? - Hello, how are you?
• Bosie - Cuddle or hug
• Feart - Afraid
• Black Affrontit - Embarrassed
• Puckle - A few
First Aberdeen's Marketing Manager, Paula Middleton, said: "In Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland we are very proud and passionate about our Doric roots.  So we thought it would be a great idea and good fun to kick off the New Year by helping raise awareness of our local dialect.

Helping launch The Doric Bus today was First Aberdeen Driver, Davie Davidson, who is well known across the company and amongst customers for being a speaker of Doric.  The 50 year old from Peterhead, said:  "Sen we cairry a haill bourach o littleens an visitors tae the ceity, I howp 'The Doric Bus' an the Doric blads steekit up on aa the buses wull help tae mak fowk mair aware o the mither tongue, an mak siccar at it's aye tae the fore.

Translated to English, Davie, who has been driving buses for First since 2008, said: "Given we transport lots of children and visitors to the city, I hope 'The Doric Bus' and the Doric messages on board all the buses will help raise awareness and ensure our dialect continues to prosper.

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