Experian announced a new product in its Trended Solutions(SM) suite -- the Estimated Interest Rate Calculator for Revolving Credit -- which provides lenders with insightful, optimized tools to make the right credit offers to the right customers. This product uses longitudinal credit data to determine the last six months of interest on consumers credit cards, which can help credit card lenders make better decisions in the prospecting, underwriting and account management processes. These insights add another dimension to the credit tools lenders are using by providing the ability to identify the effective annual percentage rate, as well as interest and fee revenue generated by each consumer.

The company's EIRC for Revolving(SM) product enables lenders to: Find profitable customers within their prospecting universe with more accuracy than any other tool available today; Identify and segment consumers based on specific preferences, such as card rewards; Determine how to effectively allocate marketing dollars to target the right type of customers in marketing campaigns and retention efforts; Modify the decision-making process for offers and determine which customers are more likely to respond.