Exor N.V. at its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 31, 2023, announced Nitin Nohria was appointed as Senior non-executive director, while Sandra Dembeck and Tiberto Ruy Brandolini d'Adda were appointed non-executive directors. Mr. Andrea Agnelli has stepped down as of May 31, 2023 from the Board. Following the AGM, Nitin Nohria is appointed Chairman of the Company and the composition of the committees is as follows: Audit Committee: Laurence Debroux (Chair), Marc Bolland, Sandra Dembeck and Nitin Nohria.

Compensation and Nominating Committee: Marc Bolland (Chair), Axel Dumas and Nitin Nohria. ESG Committee: Nitin Nohria (Chair), Melissa Bethell and Laurence Debroux.