FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - The imminent departure from the MDax hurt the shares of Evotec on Monday. The papers of the active substance researcher for the pharmaceutical industry extended their losses from Friday and fell by 5.3 percent to 16.10 euros at the end of the index.

On Tuesday, the stock will be replaced in the MDax by SMA Solar, as Evotec was unable to submit its audited annual report in time following a cyberattack. In accordance with Deutsche Borse rules, the stock will therefore be removed from the index. If Evotec succeeds in submitting its report in mid-May as announced, there should be no obstacle to a return to the index of mid-cap stocks as early as June.

Funds that track indices in real terms (physically replicating ETFs) will now have to remove the stock from their portfolios for the time being, which is likely to have a negative impact on the share price at present./ck/mis