Eurex Clearing:ABN AMRO Clearing has become clearing member of EurexOTC Clear for Interest Rate Swaps (IRS). By joining this central counterparty (CCP) for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, ABN AMRO Clearing and its wide range of clients will be able to prepare and get ready for the impending OTC clearing obligations in Europe.

"As the largest clearing member of Eurex, we are pleased to further extend our clearing offering in the OTC area. ABN AMRO Clearing is determined to remain at the forefront of the growth industry. With the expansion of our Eurex Clearing membership to EurexOTC Clear, we can now offer our clearing clients a truly complete service offering where we can cross correlate between OTC and exchange-traded derivatives," said Alexander Jacobs, Head of the OTC Derivatives Clearing Service at ABN AMRO Clearing.

"We are pleased to on-board ABN AMRO Clearing as new clearing member of our OTC clearing service. This proves our appealing approach given the size and relevance of one of Europe's most significant financial institution with its strong client base. By joining EurexOTC Clear, the bank and its clients are able to realize capital efficiencies while benefitting from enhanced safety and transparency," added Matthias Graulich, Head of Business Relations and OTC Development, Eurex Clearing.

With its service EurexOTC Clear for IRS, launched on 13 November 2012, Eurex Clearing, a subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, fully integrates the clearing and collateralization of OTC and listed derivatives in a single clearing house within one single framework. The service will be further expanded in 2014, it is one important element of Eurex Clearing's comprehensive roadmap in preparing for the changing regulatory environment.

About ABN AMRO Clearing

Part of ABN AMRO Bank, ABN AMRO Clearing is one of the world's leading providers of independent third-party clearing and financing services for listed derivatives and cash securities, OTC products, warrants, commodities and FX. With 11 offices globally employing more than 800 staff, ABN AMRO Clearing services clients on 170+ exchanges, MTFs, dark pools and FX liquidity centres and consistently ranks as a top 3 clearer in most time zones with a 10% global market share. ABN AMRO Clearing offers an integrated approach to global transaction processing, financial logistics and risk management and processes over 10 million trades per day.

About Eurex Clearing

Eurex Clearing is one of the leading central counterparties globally - assuring the safety and integrity of markets while providing innovation in risk management, clearing technology and client asset protection. Eurex Clearing provides fully-automated, straight-through post trade services for derivatives, equities, bonds, secured funding & financing and energy transactions, as well as industry-leading risk management technologies.

As part of Eurex Group, Eurex Clearing serves more than 110 clearing members in 10 countries, managing a collateral pool of around 45 billion euros and processing gross risks valued at almost 10 trillion euros every month. In 2011, we cleared over two billion derivatives contracts - nearly half of which were traded OTC.

Eurex Group is comprised of Eurex Exchange, the International Securities Exchange, the European Energy Exchange, Eurex Clearing, Eurex Bonds and Eurex Repo. Eurex Group is owned by Deutsche Börse AG (Xetra: DB1).

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