Zero Waste France, ClientEarth and Surfrider Foundation Europe have announced that they have taken Danone to court. The three NGOs accuse the food giant of failing in its duty of care regarding the use of plastic.

We believe that the company's use of plastic contravenes a key French law requiring companies to recognize and address the environmental, health and human rights impacts of their activities," ClientEarth said on its website.

The NGO said it had sent legal warnings to Danone and several other companies (including Nestlé France and McDonald's France) in September 2022, and considered Danone's response at the time to be "insufficient".

Zero Waste France adds that Danone's use of plastic is increasing despite the climate emergency, an 'unfortunate counter-performance' that 'runs counter to the efforts needed to reduce the plastic crisis'.

At the time of writing, the food giant had not yet officially responded to this summons.

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