Certain Common Shares of Dairei Co., Ltd. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 17-MAR-2015. These Common Shares will be under lockup for 90 days starting from 17-DEC-2014 to 17-MAR-2015.

Koji Furuta, seller and share lender; Furuta Co., Ltd., Osamu Saito, Atsuo Masabayashi, Nobuyoshi Nishimura, Hidekazu Seki, Fumiyoshi Tomita, Nariyasu Iwasa, Takeo Kurokawa, Chihiro Kamio, Kazuyuki Abe, Mikawa Koichi, Tsuyoshi Kawada, Shigeru Kudo, Hiroaki Takatsuki, Hidenori Kanda and Shinichi Aoki, made an agreement with the lead manager that no sale of shares will be conducted without a prior written approval from the lead manager during the period starting on the underwriting contract conclusion date, and ending on the 90th day after the listing date.

The lock-up period is from December 8, 2014 until March 17, 2015.