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Press Release

Paris, 17 December 2010

Foncière des Régions' Supervisory Board approves the proposed resolutions for 
the General Meeting on 31 January 2011

Foncière des Régions' Supervisory Board met today and approved the proposed 
resolutions for the General Shareholders' Meeting on 31 January 2011. At this 
General Meeting, Foncière des Régions' new governance structure will be put to
the shareholders for approval.

These draft resolutions, which are available on the Foncière des Régions 
website (, will be disclosed as legally required, 
notably in the French official gazette (BALO), over the coming days.

The proposed resolutions incorporate the various principles adopted by the 
Supervisory Board on 15 November based on the work of the ad hoc committee set
up by the Board, in addition to the good governance principles recommended by 
the AFEP-MEDEF code for unaudited listed companies, including:
   - The adoption of a governance structure with a Board of Directors instead 
     of a dual structure (Supervisory Board and Management Board)
   - 10 directors, with 40% independent. The proposed independent directors 
     whose appointment will be submitted for approval at the General Meeting 
     are Jean Laurent, Jean-Luc Biamonti, Bertrand de Feydeau and Pierre 
   - The Board's decisions are taken based on a simple majority.

The adoption of this new governance structure, submitted for approval at the 
General Meeting on 31 January 2011, will be followed by a Board of Directors 
meeting on the same day, when the following items will notably be adopted:
   - The separation of functions for the Chairman of Board of Directors 
     (non-executive) and the Chief Executive Officer, with Jean Laurent, the 
     current Chairman of the Supervisory Board, becoming Chairman of the Board
     of Directors in the new governance structure, and Christophe Kullmann, 
     current Chairman of the Management Board, appointed as Chief Executive 
   - The appointment of one or more observers with a consultative vote.
Further to the Supervisory Board meeting, Jean Laurent announced that: "These 
draft resolutions represent the culmination of several months' work, led by 
the Supervisory Board and an ad hoc committee, chaired by Pierre Vaquier. We 
are pleased to be able to submit a governance structure that is consistent 
with the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations, as well as a new phase in Foncière des 
Régions' development, for approval by our shareholders on 31 January".

Investor Relations             Press Relations
Philippe Le Trung              Philippe Boyer
Tel: + 33 (0)1 58 97 52 04     Tel: + 33 (0)1 58 97 52 23

Sébastien Bonneton             Shareholder Relations
Tel: + 33 (0)1 58 97 52 44     0 805 400 865

                        A propos de Foncière des Régions 

Foncière des Régions, foncière partenaire

Foncière des Régions est une société immobilière cotée de référence qui 
dispose de caractéristiques uniques :
* une foncière à dominante bureaux
* le partenaire immobilier des grandes entreprises (France Télécom, EDF, 
Accor, Dassault Systèmes, Suez Environnement, Telecom Italia, ...)
* une forte visibilité des revenus locatifs
* une stratégie d'amélioration continue du patrimoine (qualité et efficience 
des actifs, performance environnementale...).

Société d'Investissement Immobilier Cotée (SIIC), Foncière des Régions déploie
avec succès son business model de Foncière partenaire dans d'autres secteurs
d'activités (logistique, murs d'exploitation, ...).

Foncière des Régions est cotée sur le compartiment A d'Euronext Paris 
(FR0000064578 - FDR) et admise au SRD. Le titre Foncière des Régions rentre 
dans la composition des indices MSCI, SBF 120, Euronext IEIF " SIIC France ", 
CAC Mid100 ainsi que dans les indices de référence des foncières européennes :
EPRA et GPR 250.

Chiffres clés à fin juin 2010
* 8,6 MdEUR de patrimoine (part du groupe)
* 337 collaborateurs en France
* 7 Directions régionales en France

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