Cisco Systems, Inc. announced the launch of a UL-certified, all-digital, wireless-based home security and automation service with AT&T Digital Life. Cisco will provide the Digital Life control panel and back-office provisioning and applications life-cycle management system, which allows customers to monitor, protect and manage their homes using a smartphone, tablet or PC. AT&T plans to launch the Digital Life service in eight U.S. markets in March, with up to 50 additional market rollouts planned in 2013.

While broadband provider agnostic, the service uses AT&T's nationwide wireless network. With AT&T Digital Life, consumers will be able to augment security and manage their home from virtually anywhere with options to: view live video from inside and outside the home; arm and disarm the security system, control and manage appliances, lighting and HVAC for energy efficiency; lock or unlock doors for guests or repairmen; and even detect water leaks before damage occurs. It is intuitive and easy to set up, customize and navigate, making it effortless to wirelessly control multiple devices in the home.

Digital life controller: The Digital Life controller, built by Cisco, comprises the following, key hardware and software components: Five radios (one-way and two-way communications radios, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi and 3G) to support a variety of sensors, keypads and cameras. OSGi software framework to streamline new services such as energy management. Advanced power management to support up to a 24-hour back-up.

Advanced diagnostics to help ensure device and service are running reliably. Home Plug AV to communicate with devices over the in-home power grid. The Digital Life controller wirelessly manages an array of connected devices throughout the home by integrating AT&T software with Cisco Z-Wave communications radios.

Connected devices include: Cameras; Windows/door sensors; Smoke, carbon monoxide, motion and glass break sensors; Door locks; Thermostats; Moisture detection and water shut-off; Appliance and lighting controls; With a network-based approach, it is easy to customize and scale to meet specific customer needs such as remote video monitoring, alarm management and home automation.