China Risun Group Limited announced that Mr. Kang Woon (Mr. Kang) resigned as an independent non-executive director of the company (INED), the chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of each of the nomination committee and audit committee under the board on July 15, 2024 as he received a bankruptcy order dated June 25, 2024 issued by the High Court of Hong Kong against him. Mr. Kang further informed the company that he is considering taking all necessary actions to discharge his bankruptcy order, including, but not limited to, exploring legal options in Hong Kong, such as filing an appeal with the High Court of Hong Kong. Change of composition of board committees: To fill the vacancies of a member of the nomination committee and the chairman of the remuneration committee under the Board, the Board resolved to appoint Mr. Wang Yinping as a member of the nomination committee; and appoint Mr. Wang Yinping, an existing committee member, as the chairman of the remuneration committee and Mr. Li Qinghua as a member of the remuneration committee.