China Motor Bus Company, Limited announced that Mr. Yung Shun Loy Jacky has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the company with effect from January 3, 2022. Yung Shun Loy Jacky, aged 58, is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of United Kingdom, and Certified Practising Accountant in Australia. Mr. Yung has a bachelor degree in laws and a bachelor degree in social sciences. He has been serving as the Company Secretary of China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited since November 2015. The board further announced that with effect from January 3, 2022, Mr. Yuen Yiu Tat ('Mr. Yuen') will cease to serve as the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Company, but will continue to serve as the Chief Accountant of the Company.