The board of directors of China Everbright Environment Group Limited announced that due to change of job, Mr. Wang Tianyi will resign from the position of the chairman of the Disclosure Committee of the Company with effect from 1 June 2021. He will remain as the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Board, the chairman of the Nomination Committee of the company, a member of the Remuneration Committee of the company and the authorized representative of the company. The Board also announced that Mr. Luan Zusheng will be appointed as the Executive Director and the chairman of the Disclosure Committee, a member of the Risk Management Committee of the company and the Authorized Representative with effect from 1 June 2021. Mr. Luan, aged 55, is currently the director of each of Sun Life Everbright Life Insurance Co. Ltd. and Everbright Financial Holding Asset Management Co. Ltd. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Luan was the director of the office and the officer for deepening reform of the leading group office for the comprehensive deepening reform, and the secretary general of the office of China Everbright Group Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, the president of Shijiazhuang and Wuxi Branches, the vice president and risk director of Shenzhen Branch, the assistant to the president and risk director of Fuzhou Branch, of China Everbright Bank Company Limited, the general manager of small and medium enterprises business department and the general manager of the microfinance business department of Everbright Bank. Resignation of Authorized Representative: Due to change of job, Mr. Hu Yanguo, the Executive Director and the Vice President, will resign as the Authorised Representative with effect from 1 June 2021. The Board announced that the title of the company's "Deputy General Manager" has been changed to "Vice President" ("Vice President"). Mr. Wong Kam Chung, Raymond is the Executive Director, the Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Hu Yanguo is the Executive Director and the Vice President. Mr. Qian Xiaodong is the Executive Director and the Vice President. The change of titles does not affect the substantive responsibilities. Following the above change in the CEO, Mr. Wang will no longer perform the roles of the Chairman and the CEO concurrently. The Board believes that such arrangement alleviate the workload of Mr. Wang from the dual roles of the Chairman and the CEO as well as enables the company to re-comply with the Code Provision A.2.1 of the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. After the cessation of Mr. Wang's role as the CEO, he will remain to serve as the Chairman with the responsibility not only for the leadership of the Board to ensure the effective functioning of the Board and the well-established good corporate governance practices and procedures, but also for the Company's strategy development and key decision making that he will continue to play his core leadership role.