Starting on 1 January, Carrefour will be launching a new communications campaign featuring its customers in vox pops filmed throughout France. This gallery - with the spotlight turned towards Carrefour customers - will showcase the various solutions that the retailer provides to help people get the most out of their everyday lives - making them feel more optimistic in the process. With "j'optimisme", Carrefour and its customers are adopting a whole new state of mind, breathing life into 2015.

Over a period of several weeks, hundreds of people were interviewed and filmed throughout France. These customers speak - in a natural way and often with a great deal of humour - about their hopes and wishes. They have less money, they say, and want to manage their budgets more effectively… but at the same time, they still want high-quality products and would like to enjoy themselves. Put simply, they are all looking for ways of getting more and doing better… but with less!

It is in optimising their day-to-day lives that they are drawing on their reserves of optimism. Optimising makes them optimistic!

Carrefour has created a new signature to express this state of mind:

Starting on 2 January, staff in Carrefour hypermarkets throughout France will be focused on breathing life into this new state of mind in their stores and on sharing it on a daily basis with their customers.

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