Canadian Natural Resources Limited is looking for acquisition opportunities. Canadian Natural's Vice Chairman, John Langille said, “Sure. And we are acquisitive.

We do like buying assets. We prefer assets over companies. We don't, I would say we are not a chaser of assets.

We don't, we have to have a willing seller, so there has to be the right opportunity. The assets that we buy, they have to fit with our philosophy. They have to, generally -- we love tack-on acquisitions or things that are close to our properties, or where we can make some synergies work between sharing facilities, et cetera.

And so if we see those kinds of opportunities come up and you've got a willing seller, that's why you need a, it has to be the right opportunity. Because oftentimes, sellers have a little different outlook on their resource than what you might think it is. So you have to have the right, the seller that is willing to sell.

And, yes, we would be, we're always interested in acquisitions, whether it be a big step out one that's completely outside our area of interest, I'd say that's probably not to be. It's mostly tuck-ins that we like. And the reason we never put a number in our budget for acquisitions is because we really never know when those opportunities may or may not arise.

And I think, over history, if you look at our acquisitions, the ones that we have done and we have done quite a few of them, but they have been always opportunistic. Somebody has decided to reallocate how they are holding assets, et cetera. And, generally, they've been very close to our operations.

And they've been similar in our operations, etc. Obviously, we like to have assets, too, where the seller might have 100% of them.”