Press release

Niederweningen, 12 April 2012

2012 annual general meeting approves all board proposals The shareholders attending today's annual general meeting of Bucher Industries AG approved all the board of directors' proposals. In addition to the regular agenda items, the shareholders approved the re-election of Claude Cornaz and Heinrich Spoerry to the board, as well as a capital reduction through cancellation of 2.99% of the shares.

The 28th annual general meeting of Bucher Industries AG was attended by 243 shareholders representing 56.4% of the share capital. They approved all proposals such as the annual report and the consolidated and company financial statements for 2011, acknowledged the compensation report, ratified the acts of the board of directors and group management and voted in favour of a dividend of CHF 4.00 per share. The registered share will be traded ex dividend from 16 April 2012; the dividend will be paid net of 35% withholding tax from 19 April
2012. The annual general meeting approved the reduction of the share capital to CHF
2 050 000 through cancellation of 2.99% of the registered shares at acquisition cost of CHF 50.2 million, as well as a corresponding amendment of the articles of association. Claude R. Cornaz and Heinrich Spoerry were re-elected to the board for a three-year term.
For the 2012 period of office, Rolf Broglie will continue as chairman of the board and Anita Hauser as deputy chairman. Ernst Bärtschi remains chairman and Heinrich Spoerry a member of the audit committee. The board appointed Michael Hauser as a new member of the audit committee in place of Anita Hauser. The human resources committee remains unchanged, with Rolf Broglie as chairman and Thomas W. Bechtler and Anita Hauser as

Bucher Industries AG CH-8166 Niederweningen

Phone +41 43 815 80 80 Fax +41 43 815 80 81

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Philip Mosimann, CEO Roger Baillod, CFO Phone +41 43 815 80 88

Simply great machines

Bucher Industries is a global technology group with leading market positions in speciality areas of mechanical and vehicle engineering. The company's operations include specialised agricultural machinery, municipal vehicles, hydraulic components, manufacturing equipment for the glass container industry and for production of wine, fruit juice and instant products. The group's shares are traded on

the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: BUCN). Please see for further information.

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