Liquidity contract – Paris – 07/01/2020

Half-year liquidity contract statement for bouygues

Under the liquidity contract entered into between BOUYGUES and Kepler Cheuvreux, the following resources appeared on the liquidity account on December 31st 2019:

  • € 19,690,199.86
  • Number of executions on buy side on semester : 1,041
  • Number of executions on sell side on semester: 1,508
  • Traded volume on buy side on semester: 543,615 shares for € 18,565,655.58
  • Traded volume on sell side on semester: 710,615 shares for € 24,794,891.58


As a reminder :
•    the following resources appeared on the last half year statement on 30 juin 2019 on the liquidity account :

  • € 6,244,798.60
  • Number of executions on buy side on semester : 583
  • Number of executions on sell side on semester: 1,044
  • Traded volume on buy side on semester: 347,691 shares for € 10,953,021.55     
  • Traded volume on sell side on semester: 460,691 shares for €  14,973,341.42



•    the following resources appeared on the liquidity account when the activity started :

  • € 10,000,000.00

The liquidity agreement complies with AMF Decision n° 2018-01 dated 2nd July 2018, introducing liquidity agreements on equity securities as permitted market practice.

Public limited company with a capital of € 378 603 340
Registered office: 32 avenue Hoche, 75008 PARIS
572 015 246 R.C.S. on the Paris Trade and Companies Register


  • Half-year liquidity contract statement for Bouygues 2019