BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

Jimblebar East and Caramulla Fauna Survey

August 2019

Executive summary


BHP Western Australian Iron Ore (BHP) engaged GHD to undertake a Level 2 single season vertebrate fauna survey covering the Jimblebar East and Caramulla areas (the survey area). The survey area is positioned directly east of the current Jimblebar mining operation, approximately 60 kilometres (km) east of Newman. The results of the fauna survey will be used to inform future environmental approvals across the area.

This report is subject to, and must be read in conjunction with, the limitations set out in section 1.2.1 and the assumptions and qualifications contained throughout the report.

Survey effort

Field survey consisted a twelve day single season Level 2 assessment from 29 April to 10 May 2019. Habitat assessment was conducted in accordance with the BHP fauna survey guidelines . Trapping for terrestrial vertebrate fauna was undertaken using a series of standardised systematic trapping quadrat sites, remote sensor cameras, acoustic recorders and non- systematic survey methods.

Eight trapping sites were sampled for 7 to 9 consecutive trap-nights and included buckets, pipes, cages, funnels and Elliott traps. Additionally at least 1 night was sampled for bat acoustics (12 nights total), 60 to 120 minutes of night search, 60 to 120 minutes of active search and 60 to 140 minutes of bird assessments undertaken at each site. The total trapping effort consisted of 2520 trap-nights (total trap effort), 820 minutes of bird assessments, 540 minutes of active searches, 510 minutes of night searches, 16 nights of Night Parrot acoustic assessment, 28 nights of Bat detection, 143 camera nights, 1000 minute of additional active search effort and 840 minutes of Bilby plot assessments.

Key results

  • Seven broad fauna habitat types (excluding disturbed areas) were recorded during the field survey from the survey area. These habitat types closely align with the different vegetation types and landforms within the survey area. The fauna habitat present include Major Drainage lines, Hillcrest/ Hillslope, Sand Plain, Mulga Woodland, Minor Drainage lines, Stony Plain and Claypan. Some disturbed areas are also present
  • The survey area is largely intact, contiguous with cattle grazing, existing exploration areas and fire the main disturbances observed
  • The post wet season fauna surveys recorded 144 vertebrate fauna species utilising the survey area, including 28 mammals, 66 birds, 46 reptiles and four amphibians
  • Four conservation significant fauna species were recorded within (or close to within) the survey area during the field survey, this included:
    • Ghost Bat (Macroderma gigas) - listed Vulnerable (Vulnerable) under the BC Act and Vulnerable under the EPBC Act
    • Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) - listed as Other Special Protection under the BC Act
    • Western Pebble-mound Mouse (Pseudomys chapmani) - Listed as Priority 4 under DBCA fauna listings
    • Brush-tailedMulgara (Dasycercus blythi) - Listed as Priority 4 under DBCA fauna listings.

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Table of contents





Project background



Propose of this report



Scope of works



Study area location









BHP requirements



Relevant legislation and background information



Desktop assessment



Field survey



Survey effort and sampling locations



Data analysis



Seasonal conditions



Desktop assessment



Fauna database searches



Fauna diversity



Conservation significant fauna



Literature review






Fauna habitats



Fauna diversity



Conservation significant fauna



Fauna survey limitations



Discussion and Conclusion





Table index

Table 1 Land systems within the survey area


Table 2 Personnel experience


Table 3 Fauna references


Table 4

Survey effort and location at systematic trap sites


Table 5

Remote camera trap locations


Table 6

Additional bat detector locations


Table 7

Night Parrot Detector locations


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Table 8 Additional active search locations


Table 9 Targeted Greater Bilby plots


Table 10 Rainfall 6 months prior to the survey month


Table 11 Weather during survey period (sourced BoM 2019)


Table 12 Summary of previous fauna studies


Table 13 Major habitat types within the survey area


Table 14 Mammal families recorded during the field surveys


Table 15 Bird families recorded during the field surveys


Table 16

Reptile families recorded during the field surveys


Table 17 Amphibian families recorded during the field survey


Table 18 Summary of likelihood of occurrence assessment for conservation significant fauna

species deemed known or likely to occur


Table 19 Western Pebble-mound Mouse mounds recorded in the survey area


Table 20 Brush-tailed Mulgara evidence recorded in the survey area


Table 21 East Jimblebar Ghost Bat evidence


Table 22

Ghost Bat evidence south of the survey area


Table 23

Old Greater Bilby burrow in the survey area


Table 24

Fauna survey limitations



Appendix A - Map Figures

Appendix B - Relevant legislation, background information and conservation codes Appendix C - Desktop searches

Appendix D - Fauna species data

Appendix E - Bat Analysis data

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1. Introduction

1.1 Project background

BHP Western Australian Iron Ore (BHP), part of BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd, required a Level 2 single season vertebrate fauna survey covering the Jimblebar East and Caramulla areas (the survey area). The results of the fauna survey will be used to inform future environmental approvals across the area. GHD Pty Ltd (GHD) was commissioned by BHP to undertake the fauna survey.

1.2 Propose of this report

This report details the results of the fauna survey. The purpose of the survey was to identify ecological constraints and values, further add to the biodiversity knowledge within the survey area and support future approvals documentation.

1.2.1 Limitations and assumptions

This report has been prepared by GHD for BHP and may only be used and relied on by BHP for the purpose agreed between GHD and the BHP as set out in section 1.2 of this report.

GHD otherwise disclaims responsibility to any person other than BHP arising in connection with this report. GHD also excludes implied warranties and conditions, to the extent legally permissible.

The services undertaken by GHD in connection with preparing this report were limited to those specifically detailed in the report and are subject to the scope limitations set out in the report.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on conditions encountered and information reviewed at the date of preparation of the report. GHD has no responsibility or obligation to update this report to account for events or changes occurring subsequent to the date that the report was prepared.

The opinions, conclusions and recommendations in this report are based on assumptions made by GHD described in this report. GHD disclaims liability arising from any of the assumptions being incorrect.

GHD has prepared this report on the basis of information provided by BHP and others who provided information to GHD (including Government authorities), which GHD has not independently verified or checked beyond the agreed scope of work. GHD does not accept liability in connection with such unverified information, including errors and omissions in the report which were caused by errors or omissions in that information.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on information obtained from, and testing undertaken at or in connection with, specific sample points. Site conditions at other parts of the site may be different from the site conditions found at the specific sample points.

Investigations undertaken in respect of this report are constrained by the particular site conditions, such as the location of buildings, services and vegetation. As a result, not all relevant site features and conditions may have been identified in this report.

Site conditions (including the presence of hazardous substances and/or site contamination) may change after the date of this Report. GHD does not accept responsibility arising from, or in connection with, any change to the site conditions. GHD is also not responsible for updating this report if the site conditions change.

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1.3 Scope of works

The scope of works was to:

  • Provide a comprehensive desktop assessment comprising vertebrate fauna database search and literature review for the study area as detailed in BHP guidance document SPR-IEN-EMS-012 v6, to determine the presence, or likely presence, of conservation significant species and communities
  • Undertake a single-season Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey within the survey area as detailed in guidance document SPR-IEN-EMS-012 v6
  • Provide a technical report detailing the desktop assessment and the fauna survey, prepared in accordance with guidance document SPR-IEN-EMS-012 v6
  • Submit fauna survey data in accordance with BHP guidance document SPR-IEN-EMS- 015 v9.

1.4 Study area location

1.4.1 Survey area

The survey area includes mining tenements M266SA (portion of) and E52/17764 and is located directly east of the BHP Jimblebar mining operation and approximately 60 kilometres (km) east of Newman. The survey area covers approximately 11,893 hectares (ha) (see Figure 1, Appendix A). For this report, the term study area includes the survey area and an additional 40 km radius buffer around the survey area, which defines the limits of the desktop assessment as described in section 1.3.

1.5 Environment

1.5.1 Regional biogeography

The study area is situated in the Eremaean Botanical Province, within the Pilbara bioregion and the Gascoyne and Fortescue sub-regions as described by the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia.

The Pilbara bioregion is characterised by vast coastal plains and inland mountain ranges with cliffs and deep gorges. Vegetation is predominantly mulga low woodlands or snappy gum over bunch and hummock grasses. Tenure comprises Aboriginal land, leasehold (for grazing cattle) and conservation reserves. The bioregion provides the majority of Western Australia (WA)'s exports in petroleum, natural gas and iron ore. Major population centres are Karratha, Port Hedland, Newman and Tom Price.

1.5.2 Geology and soils


The Australian continent is made up of four continental blocks: the Yilgarn, Pilbara and Gawler Cratons and the Wilyama Block. The survey area is located within the Warakurna and Fortescue Large Igneous Provinces of the Pilbara Craton. The Pilbara Craton is a geological formation formed from Archaean crust (3.6-2.7 billion years ago). The Fortescue Large Igneous province comprises mafic to intermediate and ultramafic layered intrusions and dykes, such as the Black Range Suite. The Warakurna Large Igneous Province consists of dolerite sill complexes, dykes and the Giles layered intrusions in the Musgrave Comples (Glikson et al. 1996; Pirajno & Morris 2005).

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The study area appears to intersect the upper and lower Hamersley Group, Fortescue Group sequence 5 and Sylvania Inlier greenstones (GoWA 2019):

  • Upper Hamersley Group: Banded iron-formation, chert, mudstone, siltstone, rhyolite, and numerous dolerite sills; metamorphosed
  • Lower Hamersley Group: Carbonate sedimentary rocks, shale, siltstone, chert, and banded iron-formation; metamorphosed
  • Fortescue Group sequence 5: Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks, mafic volcanic rocks and minor felsic volcanic rocks; local carbonate rocks, chert, and dolerite sills. Includes Jeerinah Formation
  • Sylvania Inlier greenstones: Mafic intrusive rock, metamorphosed.

Land systems, landforms and soil

Soils within the study area comprise the following (BRS 2009):

  • BE6: Extensive flat and gently sloping plains, which sometimes have a surface cover of
    gravels and on which red-brown hardpan frequently outcrops: chief soils are shallow earthy loams (Um5.3), with associated (Gn) soils of units My5O and Mz23 of Sheet 6. As mapped, there are inclusions of units Oc47 and BB9
  • Mz25: Plains associated with the Fortescue valley; there is a surface cover of stony
    gravels close to the ranges and hills: chief soils are acid red earths (Gn2.11) with some neutral red earths (Gn2.12); red-brown hardpan is absent. Associated are areas of calcareous earths (Gc) and loams (Um1) on calcrete (kunkar) and some hard red (Dr) soils around creek lines
  • Fa13: Ranges of banded jaspilite and chert along with shales, dolomites, and iron ore formations; some areas of ferruginous duricrust as well as occasional narrow winding valley plains and steeply dissected pediments. This unit is largely associated with the Hamersley and Ophthalmia Ranges. The soils are frequently stony and shallow and there are extensive areas without soil cover: chief soils are shallow stony earthy loams (Um5.51 ) along with some (Uc5. 11) soils on the steeper slopes. Associated are (Dr2.33 and Dr2.32) soils on the limited areas of dissected pediments, while (Um5.52) and (Uf6.71) soils occur on the valley plains.

The Pilbara region has been surveyed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) and others for the purposes of land classification, mapping and resource evaluation. One hundred and two land systems have been described for the region, which are distinguished on the basis of topography, geology, soils and vegetation (Vreeswyk et al. 1999). The Sites intersect ten land systems; details of these land systems are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Land systems within the survey area


Land type




Hills and ranges with spinifex

Rugged jaspilite plateaux, ridges and


mountains supporting hard spinifex



Wash plains on hardpan with

Stony hardpan plains and rises supporting

mulga shrublands

groved mulga shrublands, occasionally with

spinifex understorey


Stony plains with spinifex

Stony lower slopes and plains below hill


systems supporting hard and soft spinifex

grasslands or mulga shrublands

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Stony plains with acacia

Gritty surfaced plains and low rises on granite


supporting acacia-eremophila-cassia



Hills and ranges with spinifex

Hills, ridges, plateaux remnants and


breakaways of meta sedimentary and

sedimentary rocks supporting hard spinifex



Wash plains and sandy banks on

Hardpan plains with large linear gravelly sand

hardpan, with mulga shrublands

banks supporting acacia shrublands with soft

and wanderrie grasses or spinifex

and hard spinifex


Wash plains on hardpan with

Hardpan plains supporting groved mulga

mulga shrublands



River plains with grassy

Active flood plains, major rivers and banks

woodlands and tussock

supporting grassy eucalypt woodlands,


tussock grasslands and soft spinifex



Wash plains and sandy banks on

Hardpan plains with thin sand cover and

hardpan, with mulga shrublands

sandy banks supporting mulga shrublands

and wanderrie grasses or spinifex

with soft and hard spinifex


Sandplains and occasional dunes

Sandplains and occasional dunes supporting

with spinifex grasslands

shrubby hard spinifex grasslands

1.5.3 Hydrology

The study area is intersected by Jimblebar Creek which is classified as a significant stream and Caramulla Creek, a major river. Both of these waterbodies are seasonal and depend largely on cyclonic and monsoonal weather events for the presence of surface water.

At the time of the survey, no surface water was evident in Caramulla Creek and some surface water ponds were observable in Jimblebar Creek although these are presumed to be from mining activities.

1.5.4 Land use

The survey area is located on Sylvania Pastoral Station and is cover by BHP tenement. Additionally the region has a long history of mining with old adits and mine workings scattered though and just outside of the survey area.

Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) managed lands

No DBCA managed lands are located within the survey area or study area. However the Fortescue Marsh, which is listed on the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia as a wetland of regional and national significance (DBCA 2018) is positioned approximately 45km north of the survey area.

1.5.5 Vegetation

Broad scale (1:1,000,000) pre-European vegetation mapping of the Pilbara region was completed by Beard (1976) at an association level. The mapping indicates there are three vegetation associations present within the survey area including:

  • Low tree-steppe: Hummock grassland with scattered bloodwoods & snappy gum, Triodia spp., Corymbia dichromophloia, Eucalyptus leucophloia
  • Low woodland, open low woodland or sparse woodland: Mulga, Acacia aneura and associated species
  • Shrub-steppe:Hummock grassland with scattered shrubs or mallee, Triodia spp. Acacia spp., Grevillea spp. Eucalyptus spp.

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2. Methodology

2.1 BHP requirements

BHP requirements applied to this survey are set out in Guidance for Vertebrate Fauna Surveys in the Pilbara (SPR-IEN-EMS-012 v6). This document outlines BHP's expectations for survey components including the level of survey, desktop assessment, survey design and intensity, timing, habitat assessment and reporting requirements. Biological survey spatial data requirements (SPR-IEN-EMS-015 v9) set out all biodiversity data requirements to standard and consistent format. These standards enable analysis of survey data and comparison between surveys spatially and temporally.

2.2 Relevant legislation and background information

In WA all native species and communities are protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Species of high conservation status (conservation significant species) are further protected under Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). In addition, regulatory authorities also provide a range of guidance and information on expected standards and protocols for environmental surveys. An overview of these key legislation and guidelines, conservation codes and background information relevant to this fauna survey is provided in Appendix B.

2.3 Desktop assessment

Prior to the field survey a desktop assessment was undertaken to collect relevant environmental and ecological information pertaining to the survey area and wider study area and to assist survey design. This included a review of:

  • The Department of the Environment and Energy (DEE) Protected Matters Search Tool (PMST) to identify communities and species listed under the EPBC Act potentially occurring within the study area (DEE 2019) (Appendix C)
  • Literature review of five previous fauna survey reports provided by BHP that cover portions of the survey area and wider study area
  • The DBCA Threatened and Priority Fauna database for the study area
  • The DBCA NatureMap database for fauna species previously recorded within the study area (DBCA 2007-) (Appendix C). This is an integrated database comprising the following databases:
    • Atlas of Australian birds
    • Pilbara Threatened Fauna
    • Birdata - Birdlife Australia
    • Fauna Survey Returns Database
    • Pilbara Biological Survey - Birds or Pilbara
    • Biological Survey - Pilbara Biological Survey (mammals, birds, reptiles)
    • Waterbirds or Pilbara Threatened Fauna
    • WA Threatened Fauna Database
    • WA Museum (WAM) databases (mammals, birds, reptiles)
  • Aerial photography, geology/soils, land systems and hydrology information to provide background information on the variability of the environment and likely vegetation and habitat types present.

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Results of the literature review are presented in Table 12 and database search results are presented in Appendix C.

2.4 Field survey

2.4.1 Field survey details and timing

The field survey consisted a twelve day single season Level 2 assessment from 29 April to 10 May 2019. The field survey was led by Glen Gaikhorst and other GHD ecologists Madi Roberts, Kelly Dalton, Craig Grabham, Brad Maryan, Angela Benkovic and Robert Browne-Cooper. The experience of these staff members are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Personnel experience


Years of experience


Glen Gaikhorst


Principle Zoologist and field lead

Craig Grabham


Senior Zoologist

Robert Browne-Cooper


Senior Zoologist

Brad Maryan


Senior Zoologist

Kelly Dalton


Senior Zoologist

Angela Benkovic



Madison Roberts



2.4.2 Guiding documents

The survey methodology and data collection that GHD employed was consistent with:

  • EPA Technical Guidance -Terrestrial Fauna Surveys, Perth, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA 2016a)
  • EPA Technical Guidance - Sampling methods for terrestrial vertebrate fauna, Perth, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA 2016b)
  • Interim guideline for preliminary surveys of Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) in Western Australia. (Department of Parks and Wildlife, 2017)
  • Survey Guidelines for Australia's Threatened Bats (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010a)
  • Survey Guidelines for Australia's Threatened Mammals (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010b)
  • Survey Guidelines for Australia's Threatened Reptiles (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2010c).

2.4.3 Permits and ethics

A Regulation 17 Licence to Take Fauna for Scientific Purposes was obtained from DBCA prior to undertaking the fauna survey (Licence Number: BA27000031). This permit also allows vouchering a limited number of non-conservation significant specimens for lodgement with the WAM. However in general, only specimens of particular scientific interest or taxonomic significance are collected for the WAM. The fauna survey (specifically trapping and animal handling) was undertaken in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which were required to be followed under the conditions of GHD's fauna trapping permit. At the time of survey, compliance with these SOPs was accepted by DBCA as evidence of ethical treatment of animals.

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