Atos, an international IT services company, today publishes its latest trends report - Ascent Journey 2016. Building on the original Journey 2014 report that was published in 2010, Ascent Journey 2016 explores how a new set of major trends including the birth of the total data economy, a cashless society, social and shared innovation will start to reshape business and society by 2016. It showcases IT innovation that can bring the new efficiencies, relationships and ways of doing business necessary to revive the economy.

Researched and written by the Atos Scientific Community, a global network of around 90 of the best business technologists within Atos, Ascent Journey 2016 identifies that economically sustainable relationships underpinned by trust will be key to pulling the economy out of recession. Changing demographics, as digital natives challenge established practices; globalisation and the disruption of ever-shifting technological advances will result in new ways of working where traditional boundaries no longer exist, either between businesses or between businesses and their customers.

With more than 1.5 billion people having access to a smartphone or tablet; more than a billion sharing information through private social networks and more businesses looking to enterprise social networks to support collaboration we are rapidly moving towards the most open, connected and transparent world we have ever seen. By enabling new types of services and new business models, this advancement will be key to stimulating growth and reviving the economy.

Thierry Breton, Chairman and CEO at Atos said, "Innovation through IT is having an enormous impact on both business and society. We are in a time of fundamental change and we must embrace the opportunities it brings. This is only possible through a new contract with consumers based on trust, and open and honest business practices. Ascent Journey 2016 illustrates the huge opportunities this will bring."

The journey to a world of enterprises without boundaries will require further openness in how we live, work and interact. There are clear examples of how new relationships built on trust are changing how we behave in and out of work:

  • The growth in trust between organisations that lead to Open Innovation will outdate the patent wars of 2012 and mean that companies learn to share skills to counter rising research costs and shorter product life-cycles. The growth of Generation-Y in the workforce will speed the adoption as they have grown up sharing across social networks.
  • The trust of consumers to divulge ever more personal information in the digital world, the increase in sensor data and the strong push to store all generated digital or digitized data, will lead to a Total Data economy where Pattern Recognition Strategies and Data Analytics will enable organisations of all sizes to improve their services and better predict future needs and opportunities.
  • The trust between consumers and business to share information in return for better services will lead to the emergence of an Economy of Internet Applications based on products being available without cash payment benefitting both parties.
  • The growing trust of consumers to make payments for books, games and magazines over mobiles and tablets evolving into a total acceptance of cashless payments in traditional stores and retail outlets bringing the Zero Cash Society ever closer.

A digital world based on trust and mutually beneficial relationships will create the new services and business models needed to stimulate growth but will require careful brokering and management.

In 2010, Atos published Journey 2014 - Simplicity with Control - and we have already seen the vision of Journey 2014 coming to fruition in numerous domains such as Connected Cars for smart mobility, Canopy for cloud, Zero E-Mail™, and blueKiwi for Social Enterprise Networking.

Ascent Journey 2016 - Enterprise without Boundaries presents a new set of major trends and challenges, building upon the original thesis and already supported by a further seven White Papers.

By making this vision available to our clients and by investing in areas related to the findings, we enable our clients to anticipate these trends and stay ahead of their competition.

Download Ascent Journey 2016 from or view the iBook on your iPad.

About Atos

Atos is an international information technology services company with revenues of EUR 8.5 billion and 74,000 employees in 48 countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, it works with clients across the following market sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Services; Public, Health & Transports; Financial Services; Telecoms, Media & Technology; Energy & Utilities. Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting & Technology Services, Atos Worldline and Atos Worldgrid.

For more information, contact:
Caroline Crouch
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