Apple® announced 70 colleges and universities in Europe have adopted Everyone Can Code, a comprehensive program designed by Apple to help everyone learn to build mobile apps. These colleges and universities are adopting Apple’s App Development with Swift curriculum, helping to create opportunities for all students and equipping them with the skills they need to pursue careers in the booming app economy. Education institutions in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland and Portugal will offer App Development with Swift to prepare their students for future careers in app development. The full-year course was designed by Apple engineers and educators to teach coding and app design to students of all levels and backgrounds. Swift is Apple’s powerful and intuitive programming language that gives developers the freedom and capabilities they need to create the next generation of cutting-edge software. Popular apps including Airbnb, KAYAK, TripAdvisor, Venmo and Yelp are all created with Swift. The technology sector is one of the fastest-growing industries across Europe, and computing and informatics professionals are in high demand. The app economy has generated 1.36 million jobs in Europe. Since the launch of the App Store®, Apple has paid out nearly $18 billion to developers across Europe.