Allied Corp. announce the approval of its 2022 quota for the production and sale of THC cannabis flower. On April 29, 2022 the Colombian government approved Allied's application for its THC cannabis flower quota for the 2022 calendar year.

Allied has already begun the scaling of its THC-based plants from by propagating 6800 plants ready for growth. These plants will go into the greenhouse for the vegetative stage of growth and then be brought through Allied's process to dried and vacuum sealed THC flower ready for sale into the international markets where it is legal to do so. These 6800 THC plants will form the first THC-based flower harvest.

Allied's previous harvests have yielded between 700- 1,100grams per plant and each lot is harvested 6-7 harvests per year, depending on the strain. The cost per gram has been recorded as between $0.05-0.075 cents per gram.