DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) - NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) is calling on the German Chancellor to introduce compulsory insurance for natural disasters. "Germany is in a constant downpour, but the Chancellor is not opening his umbrella. I have the clear expectation that Olaf Scholz will now stand by his word and introduce compulsory insurance for natural hazards," Wüst told the German Press Agency on Monday.

"The floods in southern Germany show us once again that we in Germany will have to get used to extreme weather events as part of our everyday lives. Compulsory insurance for natural hazards would be the right financial precaution now," said Wüst.

He added: "As Finance Minister and Federal Chancellor, Olaf Scholz has spoken out in favor of its introduction. It is also a question of leadership competence whether Olaf Scholz can keep his word when it comes to dealing with flood risks. The federal states agree that the ball is now in the court of the traffic lights. The Chancellor must now finally take action and assume responsibility."

The heads of the federal states want to discuss the possible introduction of compulsory insurance with Scholz on June 20. "Compulsory insurance for natural hazards would not only give many people security and protect them from economic ruin in an emergency. We would also be acting in the interests of the taxpayer, who has to repeatedly pay for billions in damage under the current regulations," said Wüst: "The current situation in southern Germany is a warning: after years of inaction, another postponement is unacceptable."/ola/DP/men