BERLIN/REGENSBURG (dpa-AFX) - In the dispute over the introduction of compulsory natural hazard insurance, the federal states are increasing the pressure on the federal government. The Bundesrat passed a resolution on Friday in which it refers to the recent extreme weather events and major damage caused by flooding. Meanwhile, the consumer protection ministers are also calling for speed.

In its motion, the Federal Council once again emphasizes the urgent need to "introduce nationwide natural hazard insurance as quickly as possible". The aim must be to create effective financial protection for those affected against the massive material damage and at the same time relieve the burden on taxpayers, who would have to pay for the support of uninsured homeowners.

Prices currently "astronomically high" for high risk

The prices for natural hazard insurance are currently "astronomically high", especially for homeowners with a particularly high risk, said Anke Rehlinger (SPD), Minister President of the Saarland. The introduction of compulsory insurance would enable a premium structure that would ensure that everyone could afford such insurance in the end.

The consumer protection ministers are calling for the federal government to develop a system that takes into account the respective risks by means of a premium scale - but at the same time does not overburden individual policyholders. And it should happen quickly: The legislative process should be completed before the end of this legislative period - i.e. by fall 2025 at the latest.

"The consequences of the current flood disaster make it clear once again that the introduction of nationwide natural hazard insurance is overdue," said the current chairman of the Consumer Protection Ministers' Conference, Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters). Those affected could not bear the existential financial damage of a flood alone.

Nationwide, only around every second house is insured against natural hazards

Nationwide, only around one in two homes is financially insured against flooding, damage caused by heavy rain, landslides or snow pressure - even though the risks are increasing due to climate change. More than a year ago, the federal states called on the federal government to submit a proposal for federal legislation to introduce compulsory insurance.

According to the Federal Ministry of Justice, a federal-state working group set up for this purpose at a later date is now to present a result by the next meeting of the state premiers with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on June 20. The demand for compulsory insurance for damage caused by natural hazards is controversial within the traffic light coalition. Politicians from the FDP in particular have expressed skepticism./ctt/DP/ngu