Alkis H. Hadjikyriacos (Frou-Frou Biscuits) Public Ltd. reported consolidated earnings results for the half-year ended 30 June 2015. For the period, turnover was EUR 13,138,020 against EUR 13,565,243 a year ago. Operating profit was EUR 1,210,146 against EUR 1,458,682 a year ago.

Profit before taxation was EUR 887,499 against EUR 1,078,155 a year ago. Profit for the period was EUR 790,661 against EUR 977,820 a year ago. Fully diluted earnings per share were 0.80 cents against 0.99 cents a year ago.

Net cash flow from operating activities was EUR 2,147,381 against EUR 1,879,244 a year ago. Purchase of intangible asset was EUR 9,519. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was EUR 1,132,349 against EUR 227,015 a year ago.

Purchase of investment properties was EUR 15,739.