FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - The shares of Aixtron continued their recent ups and downs with price gains on Tuesday. They rose at the top of the MDAx by 3.72 percent to 22.01 euros - after a follow-up order from the semiconductor company Nexperia. According to a statement, the Dutch company intends to expand its production of silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power components together with Aixtron.

According to a trader, this underpins the improved dynamics at the equipment manufacturer in the SiC sector, where the low point has probably been passed. If the solid order development expected by the trader materializes this year, this should drive the Aixtron share in his opinion. These are trading at a discount of up to 60 percent to other sector stocks, the Borsianer noted. There has not been such a high discount in the last 15 years.

With a drop of 43 percent, Aixtron shares are still among the biggest losers in the MDax in 2024./tih/mis