African Export-Import Bank at its AGM approved board changes. Class "A": Mrs. Lydia Shehu Jafiya was elected to replace Mr. Aliyu Ahmed. Mrs. Jafiya is the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Mr. Amadou Hott was elected to fill the position of the African Development Bank nominated board seat. Mr. Hott is currently the Special Envoy of the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group on the Alliance for Green Infrastructure in Africa. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Hott was Senegal's Minister for Economy, Planning and Cooperation.

Class "B": Mr. Noël Mekulu Mvondo Akame was elected to replace Mr. Jean-Marie Mani. Mr. Mekulu Mvondo Akame is currently the Director General of the National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS) of Cameroon. Class "C": Ms. Yu Wen was elected to replace Ms Lili Yang.

Ms. Yu Wen currently serves as the General Manager of the International Department at the Export-Import Bank of China (CEXIM).