Accenture announced that it has entered into a collaboration with Syngenta to design and implement a new digital logistics operating model for Syngenta across all modes of transportation, including sea and air freight globally and road freight in North America and Europe. This model is expected to enable Syngenta to more effectively manage increasingly complex logistics networks and operations with lower costs and higher service performance. Under this deal, financial details of which were not available, the company strategy in collaboration with Syngenta Global Logistics designed a '4PL' global operating model that features a network of control towers coordinating regional and global transport orchestrated by external fourth-party logistics providers (4PL). These providers manage all transportation activities on Syngenta's behalf, leveraging their detailed logistics expertise and regional market knowledge. This new model, implemented through the partnership of Accenture Consulting and the Syngenta Logistics team, will enable greater visibility through insightful dashboards, connected through a hybrid cloud. This will also provide Syngenta with accurate, timely information about its logistics operations, with the aim of improving business insights, transport planning and delivery performance for its customers. In addition, this strategic initiative is powered by a cloud-based supply chain collaboration platform, provided by GT Nexus. This network connects Syngenta's Enterprise Resource Planning Systems with its external logistics partners, holds all relevant data worldwide in a secure shared environment and enables seamless data exchange and analysis.