The Paris Bourse ended the session with a gain of 1.11%, at 7208 points, driven in particular by L'Oréal (+3.7%) and Vinci (+3%).
Paris also benefited from the positive opening on Wall Street, with +0.9% on the S&P500 and +1.3% on the Nasdaq.

Buyers are thus taking the upper hand against sellers who have been completely absent since 3:30 pm, on the eve of the publication of the January CPI (inflation) in the USA.

A moderate rise in prices would confirm the advent of a "Goldylocks" scenario in the USA, as the threat of a winter recession now seems to have been averted, thanks to falling energy prices and the prospect of a reopening Chinese economy.

While experts do not entirely agree on the assessment of the risks of a global economic relapse, the worst-case scenario is no longer their preferred hypothesis.

Jan Hatzius, Goldman Sachs' star economist, attributes only a 35% probability to a US recession this year (compared with over 60% 6 months ago).

Indeed, the latest US employment report has reinforced the prospect of a 'soft landing' for the economy, a scenario characterized by disinflation, low unemployment and the absence of recession.

It looks like 2023 could be a year of sluggish growth, but no recession", says Steven Bell, chief economist for Columbia Threadneedle Investments in the EMEA region.

This reassuring picture does, however, contain a grey area: if the global economy holds up, this could prompt the major central banks to continue their monetary tightening, or even accelerate it.

Against this backdrop, investors will be paying close attention to the statistics expected this week in Europe, with a new estimate of fourth-quarter GDP in the eurozone.

The European Commission will also present its winter economic forecasts, updating its projections for GDP and inflation.

On the bond front, scores appear to be frozen at Friday's level in the Eurozone (OATs stable, Bunds +0.5Pts, BTPs -2.5Pts), while US T-Bonds are easing by -3Pts to 3.713%.

The Euro/Dollar parity also appears to have frozen at $1.0680 to the Euro... on the other hand, the Yen is falling by -1 to -1.1% against all currencies: this is the FOREX "fact of the day".

In company news, Orpea (-16.3%) announces sales growth of 8.9% for fiscal 2022, of which +5.5% organic, leading to a total of 4.68 billion euros, in line with the figure presented on November 15 as part of its restructuring plan.

Renault Group and Nissan announce that they are renewing their commitment to India, by increasing production and R&D activities, electrifying their product ranges, and switching to carbon-neutral industrial manufacturing.

TotalEnergies announces that it has joined forces with the Le Havre Seine Métropole Urban Community to supply heat to the Le Havre Sud urban network. The waste heat recovered from TotalEnergies' Normandy Platform facilities will replace the heat currently produced by gas combustion.

Finally, Carrefour announced today that it has renewed the basis of its relationship with the Bel group, via a commercial agreement signed on February 1, 'in the service of healthy and sustainable food for all, and the preservation of the climate'.

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