Regulators began rolling out the tougher capital rules after the global financial crisis of 2007-09 when taxpayers had to rescue ailing banks.

Britain, the EU, U.S. and other countries are now finalising how they will implement the final leg of the so-called Basel III capital standards, tailoring them to local circumstances.

The BoE published on Tuesday the first of two "near final" policy statements on implementing the Basel rules, saying it had made some tweaks to its original proposals following a public consultation.

The BoE said it estimates the impact of the final leg of Basel on UK banks will be "low" at an average increase in Tier 1 capital of about 3% once fully phased in by 2030.

"This is lower than the European Banking Authority's estimate of a Tier 1 increase of around 10% in the EU and the US agencies' estimate of a CET 1 increase of around 16% for US firms," the BoE said.

U.S. banks have mounted a heavy lobbying campaign against the Federal Reserve's proposals for implementing Basel.

"The rules published today implement the latest Basel standards in the UK and include appropriate adjustments to take on points raised by respondents to our consultation," BoE Deputy Governor Sam Woods said in a statement.

Britain and the U.S. have said they will begin rolling out the final phase of Basel III in mid-2025, with the EU starting six months earlier, but with longer phase-ins.

(Reporting by Huw Jones; Editing by Jason Neely and Jamie Freed)