Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) unveiled its Geneva Interim Agreement Tracker, coinciding with this week's implementation of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1. The tracker can be found at

UANI is tracking the implementation and effect of the Geneva agreement, including Iran's compliance with its obligations, developments of its nuclear program and the pace and effect of the P5+1's sanctions relief.

UANI is also maintaining a comprehensive, up-to-date account of trade delegations and international corporations that are entering Iran, or considering doing so, as a result of the agreement.

Such comprehensive and objective tracking is critical given that Iran and the U.S. have respectively characterized the interim agreement in a starkly different light. While Iranian President Hassan Rouhani boasted that the Geneva agreement "means the surrender of the big powers before the great Iranian nation," President Barack Obama said: "We have made concrete progress. I welcome this important step forward." In regards to sanctions relief and enforcement, Rouhani said: "The sanctions regime will begin to shatter with the (implementation) of this agreement," while David Cohen, the U.S. Treasury Department official tasked with enforcing the U.S. sanctions program, claims that "Iran will be even deeper in the hole six months from now, when the deal expires."

Said UANI CEO, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace:

The U.S. has characterized the sanctions relief granted to Iran under the interim agreement as "completely reversible," and credits the agreement with substantially limiting Iran's nuclear program. Iran clearly believes the opposite - the regime expects to maintain its industrial scale enrichment program while undermining the international sanctions regime painstakingly assembled over years.

It is therefore critical that we comprehensively and objectively track the implementation of this agreement over the next six months, given the starkly different characterizations of it by the U.S. and Iran. Sanctions relief cannot be both insignificant and significant at the same time--similarly, Iran's nuclear program cannot be simultaneously "rolled back" and "preserved." This resource will inform interested parties about the pace and scale of sanctions relief, and the state of Iran's nuclear program.

UANI's Geneva Interim Nuclear Agreement Tracker will provide updates on:

  • Fulfillment of the provisions of the interim agreement in a comprehensive timeline
  • Iran's nuclear "breakout" time, which nonproliferation experts estimate would only slightly lengthen (from 1.0-1.6 months to 1.9-2.2 months) if Iran fulfills its obligations under the Geneva deal
  • Iran's continued nuclear work during the duration of the interim agreement, such as: construction at the Arak heavy water reactor site, ongoing research and development activities, the development of advanced centrifuges and long-range ballistic missile testing
  • The divisions between the P5+1 and Iran on the provisions of a final agreement, particular in relation to: the status of the Arak reactor, the fortified underground Fordow enrichment facility, advanced centrifuges and the overall size of Iran's enrichment program
  • Key Iranian economic indicators that show the effect of sanctions relief, such as: the value of the rial, inflation, the Tehran stock exchange and Iran's oil exports
  • National trade delegation and diplomatic missions that are visiting Iran, which indicate the regime's dissipating economic and diplomatic isolation
  • Multinational corporations that are renewing or expanding their business in Iran due to the sanctions easing, or actively preparing to do so
  • Enforcement of sanctions by the U.S. Treasury Department

Click here to view UANI's Geneva Interim Nuclear Agreement Tracker.

Click here to view UANI's Rouhani Accountability Tracker.

Click here to view UANI's resource on "Rouhani's Record in Office."

United Against Nuclear Iran
Nathan Carleton, 212-554-3296