Sept 16 (Reuters) - Short-dated German bond yields rose to 11-year highs on Friday as a leading European Central Bank policymaker signalled more interest rate rises to come to control record-high inflation.

Concern was also growing that the European Central Bank's unprecedented rate hike last week has not fully filtered into money markets.

ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos said on Friday the central bank would have to keep raising rates because an economic slowdown - or possible recession - in the euro zone would not be enough to control inflation.

It comes after the ECB delivered an unprecedented 75-basis-point rate hike last week and promised further hikes.

The move has prompted investors to raise their bets on how fast and far the bank will hike, keeping upward pressure on bond yields and causing the longer-end of the German yield curve to invert for the first time on record on Thursday.

On Friday, Germany's two-year yield, sensitive to rate expectations, rose as much as 7 basis points (bps) to 1.594%, the highest since 2011.

The 10-year yield, the benchmark for the euro area, rose as much as 8 bps to 1.817%, the highest since mid-June, while the 30-year rose as much as 5 bps.

The yield spread between 10-year and 30-year German bonds remained inverted, last around -2 bps.

"(The market is) pricing in that the ECB is going to have to cause pain to get inflation expectations back down," said Lyn Graham-Taylor, senior rates strategist at Rabobank.


Money markets were also in focus on Friday.

While the ECB's 75-basis-point rate hike had fully passed through to the overnight rate, ESTR, rates on German repurchase agreements, where investors borrow bonds in return for cash, have only risen around 55 bps, according to Commerzbank data.

The fact that repo rates have risen less than 75 bps means the ECB's rate hike is not being fully transmitted across borrowing rates, potentially weakening some of its effort to tighten policy, analysts said.

Last week, the ECB said it would temporarily start paying interest on government deposits, easing fears they would shift the cash into government bonds, worsening a shortage of key market collateral.

The shortage of collateral is a result of years of ECB purchases that has made it very expensive to borrow bonds in the repo market.

"We would have expected such an impaired transmission into repo markets only in absence of last week's ECB intervention," said Michael Leister, head of interest rates strategy at Commerzbank.

The spread between two-year interest rate swaps and German bond yields initially dropped after the ECB's deposit decision, having risen to its highest since the euro zone debt crisis before the news. But it has reversed much of that fall this week in another sign that the market remains squeezed.

Leister expects pressure to remain on repo markets and swap spreads as the ECB's measure on deposits is only temporary, adding that this raises the risk of a further intervention. (Reporting by Yoruk Bahceli; Editing by Ana Nicolaci da Costa)