Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.


(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)


We, Tungtex (Holdings) Company Limited, wish to announce that our subsidiary has appointed property agents in Hong Kong on January 17, 2014 to market with a view to sell our group's property, Tungtex Building, located at 203 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the "Proposed Sale").
Held under Dorcash Industrial Limited (our wholly owned subsidiary), Tungtex Building is a
13-storey (including ground floor) industrial building with a total gross floor area of approximately
105,833 sq. ft, of which approximately 46% is used by our group and the remaining floor area is currently leased to third parties.
Under our accounting policy, properties occupied for self-use by our group are stated at carrying value whereas those for leasing to third parties under our group's investment properties are stated at their fair market value. As at 30 September 2013 (being the last date of the six-month period on which our latest published consolidated financial statements was reported), properties occupied for self-use by our group in Tungtex Building were stated at approximately HK$8 million whereas properties in Tungtex Building for leasing to third parties were stated at approximately HK$238 million, after taking into consideration their valuation as at that date as valued by an independent professional valuer.
If the Proposed Sale materializes, we will comply with the applicable requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") by making the necessary announcement and where required, seeking our shareholders' approval. We currently plan to relocate part of our existing ancillary operations in Tungtex Building to the Guangdong province.

It should be emphasized that there is no assurance that the Proposed Sale will materialize as there may not be any offer from any buyer or, even if there is, such offer may not be accepted by us or where required, our shareholders. Our shareholders and investors should exercise extreme caution when dealing in our shares.

This announcement is made by us pursuant to Rule 13.09(2)(a) of the Listing Rules and the Inside
Information Provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571).
By order of the Board

Tungtex (Holdings) Company Limited Benson Tung Wah Wing


Hong Kong, January 17, 2014

As at the date of this announcement, our Executive Directors are Mr. Benson Tung Wah Wing (Chairman), Mr. Alan Lam Yiu On (Managing Director), Mr. Raymond Tung Wai Man, Mr. Martin Tung Hau Man and Mr. Billy Tung Chung Man; our Non-Executive Directors are Mr. Tung Siu Wing and Mr. Kevin Lee Kwok Bun; and our Independent Non-Executive Directors are Mr. Johnny Chang Tak Cheung, Mr. Tony Chang Chung Kay, Mr. Robert Yau Ming Kim, Mr. Edwin Siu Pui Lap and Mr. Leslie Chang Shuk Chien.


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