On February 5 - 7, 2014, the law firm of Roetzel & Andress, LPA will sponsor the Eighth Annual Akron Law Winter Institute at the Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Club in Naples, Florida. The event will offer 13 hours of Continuing Legal Education credit, as well as a beachfront dinner for attendees and guests, a golf outing and more. Seminar topics include, "Lawyers and Technology: Social Media and Other Current Internet Issues," "Probate & Elder Law Update," "Intellectual Property Review: Courts, Congress, Controversy," and "Government Exactions: Extortion, Taking or Just Good Business?"

The two-day series of seminars will open with remarks by Roetzel partner Lewis W. Adkins, Naples Mayor John Sorey, III, and University of Akron School of Law Interim Dean Elizabeth A. Reilly. Later speakers will include Roetzel partners Robert D. Pritt, Clayton W. Crevasse and Melissa R. Hoeffel, in addition to numerous University of Akron School of Law professors and administrators.

The complete program schedule and registration information is available on the University of Akron School of Law's website at www.lawalum.uakron.edu or on the Roetzel website at www.ralaw.com/media-events.

About Roetzel

Roetzel is a full-service law firm with more than 200 attorneys in offices located throughout Ohio and Florida and in Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C. The firm provides comprehensive legal services to national and international corporations, closely held and family-run businesses, institutions, organizations and individuals. For more information, visit ralaw.com.

Roetzel & Andress, LPA
Amy L. Clark, Marketing Communication Specialist, 330-849-6636