NFU Mutual is once again offering its Centenary Award for postgraduate students in agriculture.

Launched in 2010 to celebrate the Mutual's 100th birthday, the award gives annual bursaries to pay up to 75% of course fees for selected post graduate students in agriculture (Masters or PhD).

Applicants should have, or expect to get, a 2:1 or above in agriculture or a closely-related degree.

They should also have been accepted or provisionally accepted on a Masters or PhD course in agriculture in the UK, starting in Autumn 2014. The judges will be looking for students who are not only excellent academic performers, but committed to the future of agriculture.

In particular, there are three areas they would like to support:

  • Sustainable agriculture and climate change
  • International agricultural development
  • The application of science and innovative technology to the agricultural industry.
How do I apply?

Email Y2VudGVuYXJ5X2F3YXJkQG5mdW11dHVhbC5jby51aw==for further details and an application form. The closing date is 30th April 2014.

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