The Homeland Security and Defense Business Council (the Council), the private sector’s leading voice in homeland security, announced today its support for the swift confirmation of Alejandro Mayorkas to serve as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“DHS, the third largest federal agency, has operated without a permanent, Senate-confirmed Secretary since 2019 and has had almost one-third of its senior leadership positions filled with ‘acting’ officials,” said Rafael Borras, the Council’s president and CEO. “This lack of leadership contributes to agency instability, employee turnover, and low morale in an agency on the front lines of new and continuously evolving threats.”

The Council believes it is in the security interests of the nation to prioritize and move swiftly on the confirmation of the Department’s leadership, starting with the Secretary-Nominee Alejandro Mayorkas. Borras added, “A confirmed Secretary will begin to offer the agency stability and direction so the business of the Department can remain focused on leading the 240,000 dedicated employees, as well as industry partners, who work diligently together every day to keep our nation safe and secure.”

Council president and CEO Rafael Borras served as the Undersecretary of Management and the Deputy Acting Secretary of DHS from 2010 - 2014. Since 2004, the Council has worked to advance the partnership between government and industry in support of the DHS mission to protect our nation.

About the Homeland Security & Defense Business Council

The Homeland Security & Defense Business Council is a not-for-profit, non-partisan corporate membership organization comprised of the leading large, mid-tier, and small companies that support the homeland security enterprise with technology, product, and service solutions. Our mission is to bring government and industry leaders together to build and strengthen relationships, increase knowledge sharing, and improve the way we conduct business together. Learn more about the Council’s mission and programs at