July 12 (Reuters) - German government bond yields fell on Monday on concerns about the economic outlook, while spreads between higher-rated bonds and the periphery widened after an ECB policymaker suggested a model for a bond-buying scheme viewed as politically unpalatable.

Investors were waiting for data for German investor sentiment from the ZEW economic research institute later in the session and June inflation data from the U.S. on Wednesday.

"A deterioration in the ZEW indicator is unlikely to surprise financial markets as investors are already pricing in a higher likelihood of a future economic downturn," Unicredit analysts said.

Germany's 10-year government bond yield fell 4 basis points (bps) to its lowest in almost a week at 1.179%. It hit its lowest since May 31 at 1.072% last week.

Peripheral government bonds underperformed their peers on concerns about the European Central Bank's so-called anti-fragmentation tool aimed at capping borrowing costs for indebted countries.

Italy's 10-year bond yield rose 1 bps to 3.305%, while the spread between Italian and German 10-year yields widened by 5 bps to 209 bps.

Portuguese and Spanish yield spreads widened by 3.5 and 4.5 bps to 107.5 and 108.3 bps respectively .

The ECB pledged to buy more bonds from debt-laden countries such as Italy to contain the widening spread between their borrowing costs and Germany's that might hamper monetary policy transmission across the bloc.

Hawkish policymaker Joachim Nagel said the ECB should model its bond-buying scheme on the one announced during the debt crisis, namely the Outright Monetary Transactions programme (OMT) which allows the ECB to buy unlimited amounts of bonds from countries that apply for a bailout from the European Stability Mechanism.

Meanwhile, Italian Premier Mario Draghi met Monday with Italy's president to discuss the future of his government amid simmering tensions with coalition member the 5-Star Movement.

Several analysts forecast a quick monetary tightening in 2022 and a potential stop in 2023 as they expect the euro area economy to slow down significantly due to the impact of surging energy prices and a possible reduction in gas supply.

The terminal rate for November 2023, according to the short-term euro rate (ESTR) forward, was at around 1.3% from 2.6% hit in mid-June.

Physical gas flows through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline from Russia to Germany fell to zero on Monday as maintenance on the pipeline began. Governments, markets and companies are worried the shutdown might be extended beyond the scheduled 10 days due to the war in Ukraine. (Reporting by Stefano Rebaudo, editing by Kirsten Donovan)