Dozens, including children, were killed in air strikes in Yemen on Friday (January 21), according to charity Save The Children.

Rescue workers pulled bodies out of rubble hours after a dawn strike on a temporary detention center in the northern Saada province.

It was not immediately clear how many people had lost their lives in that strike.

A Reuters witness said several people, including African migrants, were killed in a raid.

Later on Friday, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the streets of the Yemeni capital Sanaa.

Some marched and carried flags, while chanting, "Death to America, Death to Israel".

A Saudi-led military coalition has intensified air strikes in Yemen on what it says are Houthi military targets.

It comes after the Iran-aligned movement conducted an unprecedented assault on coalition member, the United Arab Emirates, on Monday.

Further cross-border missiles and drones were also launched at Saudi cities.

Yemen also experienced a nationwide internet outage on Friday, with the exception of one southern city.

Houthi media blamed it on a coalition strike on a telecommunications facility in the western province of Hodeidah.

Reuters could not immediately corroborate this.

The conflict in Yemen, in which the coalition intervened in March 2015 after the Houthis ousted the internationally recognized government from Sanaa has killed tens of thousands of people, displaced millions and pushed the country to the verge of famine.