March 9 (Reuters) -

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Today in Washington ------------------------------------------------------------- This Diary is filed daily. ** Indicates new events -------------------------------------------------------------


** MADRID - Spain's economy minister Nadia Calvino closes a conference on digital transformation - 1300 GMT

WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr speaks on "Crypto" before the Peterson Institute for International Economics - 1500 GMT. LONDON - Sarah Breeden, BOE executive director of Financial Stability Strategy and Risk, gives speech on macro-prudential/monetary policy interactions at Leeds University. – 1315 GMT STOCKHOLM - Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Aino Bunge talks about economic prospects and current monetary policy during the Risk and Return conference - 0805 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Deputy Riksbank Governor Per Jansson participates in a panel discussion on digital central bank currencies organized by Denmarks Nationalbank - 1120 GMT. WINNIPEG, Canada - Carolyn Rogers, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, delivers a speech on the Economic Progress Report to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce - 1845 GMT WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues quarterly financial accounts of the United States– 1700 GMT. TOKYO - Bank of Japan holds Monetary Policy Meeting (to Mar. 10) FRIDAY, MARCH 10 BERLIN - Christine Lagarde President of the European Central Bank pays a visit to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz – 1500 GMT ROME - Participation by member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank Elizabeth McCaul in a panel in the conference "The New Frontiers in Digital Finance" organised by Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) – 1100 GMT. FRANKFURT - Presentation by Member of the ECB's Executive Board Fabio Panetta on the digital euro at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Banking Federation – 0900 GMT.

MONDAY, MARCH 13 BRUSSELS - Euro group finance ministers meet in Brussels. TUESDAY, MARCH 14 LONDON - Nathanael Benjamin, Executive Director for Authorisations, Regulatory Technology, and International Supervision of Bank of England delivers speech at the UK Finance ‘PRA 2023 supervisory priorities for International Banks’ – 1300 GMT BRUSSELS - EU Finance ministers meet in Brussels. TOKYO - Bank of Japan releases Minutes of Monetary Policy Meeting held on Jan. 17 and 18 - 2350 GMT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 LONDON - British finance minister Jeremy Hunt presents the UK government's budget and has commissioned the Office for Budget Responsibility to prepare an economic and fiscal forecast to go alongside it. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT THURSDAY, MARCH 16 STOCKHOLM - Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Martin Flodén will discuss the Swedish economy and current monetary policy at a breakfast seminar organised by Barclays – 0810 GMT. FRANKFURT - ECB president Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council's monetary policy meeting – 1345 GMT. BERLIN - Press conference following the Governing Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt - 1230 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt FRIDAY, MARCH 17 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT SUNDAY, MARCH 19 TOKYO - Bank of Japan to release summary of opinions from board members at its Mar. 9-10 policy meeting - 2350 GMT TUESDAY, MARCH 21 PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey for March – 1230 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates (to Mar. 22) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces its decision on interest rates followed by statement - 1800 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve chairperson holds a news conference THURSDAY, MARCH 23

AMSTERDAM - ECB governing council member Klaas Knot holds a press conference for the publication of the Dutch central bank's annual report - 1100 GMT. BERN - Swiss National Bank (SNB) Monetary policy assessment with news conference - 0830 GMT OSLO - Norway Central Bank holds press conference - Interest rate decision and Monetary Policy Report 1/23 - 0930 GMT LONDON - Bank of England announces rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting, after the rate decision - 1200 GMT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt THURSDAY, MARCH 30 ZURICH, Switzerland - Swiss National Bank Member of the Governing Board Andrea Maechler and Alternate Member of the Governing Board, Thomas Moser deliver Speech on Money Market Event – 1600 GMT. BERLIN - General Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Monetary Policy Review - 0200 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 1100 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 ROANOKE, United States - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin makes opening remarks at Investing in Rural America 2023 in Roanoke, Virginia - 1310 GMT OTTAWA - Canada's central bank Governor Tiff Macklem and Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers hold a press conference to discuss the contents of the Report – 1500 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - Federal Open Market Committee issues minutes from its meeting of March 21-22 - 1800 GMT OTTAWA - Bank of Canada key policy interest rate announcement and Monetary Policy Report - 1400 GMT. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues the Beige Book – 1800 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT FRIDAY, APRIL 21 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1100 GMT TUESDAY, APRIL 25 PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Non-manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for April – 1230 GMT STOCKHOLM - Riksbank holds monetary policy meeting 2 - 0700 GMT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 OTTAWA - The Bank of Canada releases its monetary policy deliberations held before its April 12 rate decision. - 1730 GMT

STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank announces interest rate decision. April 2023 Monetary policy report will be published - 0730 GMT THURSDAY, APRIL 27 TOKYO - Bank of Japan holds Monetary Policy Meeting (to Apr. 28) FRIDAY, APRIL 28 BERN, Switzerland - Speeches by President of the Bank Council Barbara Janom Steiner and Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan at Swiss National Bank General Meeting of Shareholders – 0800 GMT. STOCKHOLM - EU finance ministers and heads of central banks meet in Stockholm during the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union. (To Apr. 29) ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The inclusion of items in this diary does not necessarily mean that Reuters will file a story based on the event. For technical issues, please contact Thomson Reuters Customer Support (TRCS) at